cutting spending the way this deal does. two things. i don t like the defense department being short shrift. i don t like the people who need medicare being short sheeted. and in august, the deficit ceiling fight when the white house and the house and the senate couldn t i know what yeah. if we can t hit our targets, we need to come up with a new way to find savings. how about cutting congressional pay 10%? how about making all of us suffer, not just the medicare people and the department of defense. how about an across-the-board cut, where everybody has to feel pain if we can t get our act together? you won t be popular for that. thank you, sir. coming up, breaking news in the penn state sex abuse scandal. one of the coaches is receiving threats. is there a scandal connected to the mysterious disappearance of a prosecutor? that s next. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition?
still in the unsustainable path. but you say $530 billion was taken out of medicare. where what was it taken from? where did it go? it s going to go for a innovation council, $10 billion. it will go to subsidize the state exchanges, mandated care that all of us will have to buy if we don t can t demonstrate that we haven t. so there is a subsidy. so we are taking money that people have paid into medicare, taking it out and subsidizing the care for people who have not paid into medicare. tell come out of home health care, hospice, hospital care, doctor care, physical therapy care, care for seniors, care that they need. it will be denying care and refusing care. is it fair to say in your opinion, it s out of services and more into administration? or bureaucracy is that a fair description? that s part of it. but the vast majority is going
will take that money that should have been there and put it miles per hour else. it seems that is a problem we are going to feel in the near future, but not as january. a lot of doctors are going to lose a lot of reimbursement under medicare, which i assume will discourage a doctor from wanting to care for people. it s going to be harder to find a dr. or am i wrong? it s going to be harder for someone on medicare to get a doctor to take care of them, responsible if they move or their doctor retiebreakers it s much more challenging. i don t blame the doctors. frankly, you know you are both doctors, but it takes an awful lot to get to become a doctor. the merge of the paperwork and to get the fees reduced, it s hard to run an office. one, if you really practice medicine the way we are trained, there is no way you can pay your nurses and overhead on
cutting spending the way this deal does. two things. i don t like the defense department being short shrift. i don t like the people who need medicare being short sheeted. and in august, the deficit ceiling fight when the white house and the house and the senate couldn t i know what yeah. if we can t hit our targets, we need to come up with a new way to find savings. how about cutting congressional pay 10%? how about making all of us suffer, not just the medicare people and the department of defense. how about an across-the-board cut, where everybody has to feel pain if we can t get our act together? you won t be popular for that. thank you, sir. coming up, breaking news in the penn state sex abuse scandal. one of the coaches is receiving threats. is there a scandal connected to [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition?
handbook. senators, i should say, doctors, nice to see both of you. nice to see you. the government has a new 2012 book out. you guys have a competing medicare 2012. this is your book, is this a parody? you might consider it. it s much more truthful than the other one. in what way. ? terms of describing what the obamacare legislation has done to medicare patients. how they took $500 bill whereon away from seniors on medicare, to object save and strengthen medicare, but to start a government program for other people and they will have unelected bureaucrats deciding who gets what care and who pays for it. when you go item by item why medicare is more at risk now in terms of going bankrupt, than it was before obamacare passed. so if i am clear, we were on an unsustainable path before obamacare s national health care. he he shepherded through the national health care and we are