Naima, the 29-year-old protagonist of "Dirty White Teslas Make Me Sad," now premiering in a Magic Theatre/Campo Santo co-production extended through March 24, may be depressed and directionless, but she wields a wicked analogy.
The stars of ’The Headlands,’ local playwright Christopher Chen’s San Francisco mystery, now playing at A.C.T.’s Toni Rembe Theatre, are the scenic and projection design by Alexander V. Nichols.
The stars of ’The Headlands,’ local playwright Christopher Chen’s San Francisco mystery, now playing at A.C.T.’s Toni Rembe Theatre, are the scenic and projection design by Alexander V. Nichols.
The stars of ’The Headlands,’ local playwright Christopher Chen’s San Francisco mystery, now playing at A.C.T.’s Toni Rembe Theatre, are the scenic and projection design by Alexander V. Nichols.