Naima, the 29-year-old protagonist of "Dirty White Teslas Make Me Sad," now premiering in a Magic Theatre/Campo Santo co-production extended through March 24, may be depressed and directionless, but she wields a wicked analogy.
While “Dirty White Teslas Make Me Sad” may articulate a scathing critique of San Francisco’s ongoing gentrification, it is also an aching love letter to San Francisco’s enduring communities.
Three productions —"the ripple, the wave that carried me home" at Berkeley Rep, "To Kill A Mockingbird" at the Golden Gate Theater and "Lear" at CalShakes— employ narrator figures for various purposes and with varying degrees of success.
Three productions —"the ripple, the wave that carried me home" at Berkeley Rep, "To Kill A Mockingbird" at the Golden Gate Theater and "Lear" at CalShakes— employ narrator figures for various purposes and with varying degrees of success.