not a lot of new ideas from either. can they both stick with the basic philosophical disagreement about the size and role of government. is that enough to run on between now and november? enough for most of that ti e time. you are right. president obama s problem is if he has something specific embodied in the five proposeals he laid out last september that really don t if they were enough to change the narrative in his direction they would have changed it long before. romney has a different problem. a speech on entitlements and tax reform but he needs to give more sum and substance. the good news for him is there is plenty of time to do that. right now people are looking for the general arc in the narrative. the independent voters and swing voters in particular will want a lot more meat before it is over. chris: some notable democr t democrats say president obama needs to stop talking about the progress we made and deliver a more forward looking agenda. fair to say that mitt romne
any appearance that people in the administration leaked this highly classified information for political or other personal purposes and i leave it to the president s attorneys but if i were advising him i would say he shu should sit down and talo the investigators. chris: back in 2003 you said we needed a special prosecutor in the valerie p boulevard ame case. given the extent of these leaks and top administration offici l officials have been quoted as being the sources does there need to be a special prosecut r prosecutor? i have been thinking about this sips the leaks came out and i reached the conclusion which is that we do need a special counsel and we need a special counsel because the special counsel avoids any appearance of conflict of interest. special counsels, independent counsels before them were created for a situation exactly like this where people might reach a conclusion that investigators, u.s. attorneys even working for the attorney
the economy in a minute. specifically for hispanic vot r voters do you think there is a clear choice between obama and romney. i think there is a clear choice on every voter. i m asking you on the hispanic population. hispanic voters support the healthcare bill. in immigration, yes, this is a president who has tried to get immigration reform done in a comprehensive way. we came close to getting the dream act done. we are a nation of laws but also a nation of immigrants and people who want to staff our labs and start our businesses and serve their country ought to be able to do that. governor romney said he would veto the dream act and said the 11 million people ought to just go home and self-deport. this is someone you will not be able to trust. the important choice that the president talked about in ohio. president romney if he was elected is not going to fix the immigration system. he has been clear about that. you watch republican debate after republican debate many of them on
around the american jobs scene. these are his ideas and then you say how are you going to pay for the tax cuts? he doesn t lay it out and say here is exactly the programs that i would cut. instead he embraces the paul ryan plan and that puts in play fears that many people have that he would disassemble medicare and medicaid. this is dangerous stuff and i think if the president pursues that aggressively he has a chance to create and define mitt romney early and not make this a referendum on barack obama s performance but make it a contest in which people say you know what the alternative is unacceptable. chris: karl i m worried you are shaking your head so vigorously it is going to shake off. romney is not laying out a plan or laid out a plan that is similar to the house republican budget. make up your mind. romney laid out a frame work for tax reform. not tax cuts. he said i want to lore the ra e rates and pay for it by getting rid of deductions and unnecessary preferences in the
didn t convince arizona governor jan brewer. time for the sunday panel. well, here is a quick outline of the president s policy as he announced it on friday. the administration will stop deporting illegals between the ages of 16-30 to qualify they must be in the u.s. at least five years. no criminal history. have gone to high school or sevenned in the military and get renewable two year work permits. bill, what do you think of the policy and the fact that the president went around congress and did this by executive action? i think it is a sensible policy. i think it would be better if that were the law of the land and i think the president is pushing the edges of the limits of prosecutorial discretion in saying we are not going to enforce a law in order to leave these people in the country but i think it is the right thing to do actually. chris: we will talk pol pols in a minute. joe, what do you think of the