Award winning legal journalist and New York Times best selling author, nancy grace. Nancy and i will be discussing her practical and invaluable book dont be a victim, fighting back against americas crime wave. Thats just ahead. This is a lifesaving book that empowers you to stay safe in the face of daily dangers. Its packed with practical advice, priceless prevention tips and with christmas and hanukkah just around the corner buy copies for everyone on your list, everyone that you care about. To purchase nancys book check your local jccs websites for their independent book sellers, the book available from the official book seller of the mjcc and the new national jcc consortium, a cappella looks. Please use the q a feature at the bottom of your screen as well try to read as many of them as possible, a little bit later in the hour. We respectfully request that you please dont put your questions in the chat because, well, i wont be looking there. I dont even know how to look there. So, no
Author nancy grace New York Times we will be discussing her practical and invaluable book, dont be a victim fighting back against americas crime wave. Thats just ahead. This this is a lifesaving bookt empowers you a safe in the face of daily dangers. Its packed with practical advice, priceless prevention takes and with christmas and hanukkah just around the corner you want to make sure you buy copies for everyone on your list, arguing that you care about. To purchase the book is check your local jcc website for their independent booksellers. The book also available from the official bookseller of the in jcc a and the new national jcc consortium a cappella books. I know you have a lot of questions for nancy, so please use the q a feature at the bottom of your screen as we will try to read as many of them as possible a little bit later in the hour. We respectfully request that you please dont put your questions in the chat because, well, i wont be looking there. I dont even know how to l
Continued rise of communist in the soviet union and china. Cspan recorded this event in 20913. 2013. Ian buruma professor of human rights in journalist at bard college was educated in holland and japan. Hes won several awards for his work among them the International Erasmus prize and journalism award, publications he writes for in the new york review of books, new yorker, New York Times, and r. C. Handleblog and the guardian, which recently published his highly learned and highly entertaining review of the British Museums current exhibition shunga, sex and pleasure in japanese art. Also taming the gods, religion and democracy on three continents. Murder in amsterdam, liberal europe and inventing japan 1863 to 1964. In the year 0, history of 1945, most of which he wrote while he was a fellow at the Common Center in 201112 to the series fellow, fellows, he was so productive, produced a brilliant portrayal of the world emerging from the devastation and unspeakable horrors of world war ii
Japan and the continued rise of communism in the soviet union and china. Cspan recorded this event in 2013. Ian buruma, the henry r. Youth professor in Barton College was in holland and japan. He earned several awards for his work. The publications he writes for include the new york review of books, the new yorker, the New York Times and the guardian which the guardian published sex and pleasure in japanese art. Among his previous books are taming the gods, murder in amsterdam and the limits of tolerance and inventing japan 1863 to 1964. In year zoero, most of which e wrote in the Commons Center in 2012 to serious envy of his fellows that he was so productive, he produced a brilliant portrayal of the world emerging from the devastation and unspeakable horrors of world war ii in europe and in asia. Skeptical about the idea that we can learn much from history, he nonetheless wanted to know, he writes, what those who lived through the war and its end, including his own father, went throug
Good evening. Im with red sea ventures ask sirius and siriusxm satellite video, the folks that put together crime stories with nancy grace. It is a great honor to be your moderator for tonights program. First of all, on behalf of the marcus jcc and the national jcc literary consortium, im pleased to welcome you to this special book festival event featuring awardwinning legal journalist and New York Times best selling author nancy e grace. Nancy and i are going to be discussing her practical and invaluable book, dont be a victim fighting back against americas crime wave. Thats just ahead. Now, folks, this is a lifesaving book that empowers you to stay safe in the face of daily dangers. Its packed with practical add vice, priceless prevention tips and with christmas and honda just hanukkah just around the corner, or youll want to make sure you buy copies for everyone on your list, everyone that you care about. To purchase nancys book, please check your local jccs web sites for their inde