Clayton Wolff received the Melvin Jones Fellowship award. 7:00 am, May 19, 2021 ×
Clayton Wolff, center, receives the Melvin Melvin Jones Fellowship award, presented by Dwaine Heinrich and Kathy Boe, past district governors for Lions. Submitted photo
At the May 12 Lions meeting, Kathy Boe opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and Glen Nagel gave the table prayer. The meeting included reports on volunteers for Meals on Wheels, Stutsman County Fairgrounds clean up, sweet corn sales and the city forester’s fruit tree plot.
In other business, Past District Governors Boe and Dwaine Heinrich presented the Certificate of Membership to new member Craig Thierer. Also receiving recognition was longtime member Clayton Wolff, awarded the Melvin Jones Fellowship award for his service to Lions and to the community. Family members attending the ceremony were Wolff’s daughter, Wendy Kaseman, grandson, Lucas Dockter, and a great-granddaughter, Maddie.