debut since google went public 7 years ago. shares started at $45 and tripled by noon, finally closing at $94. tonight in sill silicon valleys david louie reports, they are asking who is next. reporter: at linkedin head quarters, employees celebrated with smoothies and krispy kreme donuts. overnight, this company was worth $8 million, turning some of the private investors into multimillionaires. a great time to be looking for money. not only institutional money, it is the public. and when those two entities are aligned good things happen. reporter: linkedin is the first of the privately held social network companies to go private. waiting in the wings are facebook and twitter. neither has indicated when it will be their turn but linkedin has indicated their time could be near. these are valuable companies, making cash, you know, they have strong business models. we are at a stage now, social media is maturing, i guess. reporter: it gives hope to the plethora of star