KAmAlA hArris And DonAld Trump hAve Attended A memoriAl in New York on the 23rd AnniversAry of the 9 11 AttAcks. It wAs A much more sombre AffAir After lAst night when the pAir hAd their first And possibly lAst heAd to HeAd DebAte AheAd of the election in november. They trAded personAl AttAcks And spArred on issues including Abortion, Foreign Policy And the Economy. SnAp polls suggest KAmAlA HArris cAme out on top AheAd of the election, which is on A knife edge. From philAdelphiA, heres our North AmericA Editor sArAh smith. AtA At A September 11 MemoriAl service, it wAs DonAld Trump who orchestrAted A cordiAl greeting this morning. Quite A contrAst, though KAmAlA HArris striding Across the stAge lAst night to demAnd A hAndshAke from A reluctAnt mr trump. She hAd come prepAred to push his buttons. People stArt leAving his rAllies eArly out of exhAustion And boredom. Provoking An unsubstAntiAted rAnt About illegAl migrAnts in ohio. In springfield, they Are eAting the dogs. In springfield
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