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Transcripts For SFGTV 20130325

good morning. today is wednesday, march 20th, 2013. this is the meeting of the abatement appeals board. i would like to remind everyone to turn off all electronic devices. the first item on the agenda is roll call. president clinch? here. commissioner lee? here. commissioner mar? here. commissioner mccray? present. commissioner walker? present. and commissioner mccarthy and melgar are excused. ~ and we have a quorum. the next item is item b, the oath. will all persons that may be giving testimony today please stand and raise your right hand? do you swear that the testimony you are about to give is the truth to the best of your knowledge? yes. thank you. you may be seated. item c, approval of minutes, discussion and possible action to adopt the minutes for the meeting held on november 21st, 2012. there is a motion to approve the minutes. move to approve. second. all in favor. aye. any opposed? is there any public comment on the minutes? the


Transcripts For SFGTV 20130323

good morning. today is wednesday, march 20th, 2013. this is the meeting of the abatement appeals board. i would like to remind everyone to turn off all electronic devices. the first item on the agenda is roll call. president clinch? here. commissioner lee? here. commissioner mar? here. commissioner mccray? present. commissioner walker? present. and commissioner mccarthy and melgar are excused. ~ and we have a quorum. the next item is item b, the oath. will all persons that may be giving testimony today please stand and raise your right hand? do you swear that the testimony you are about to give is the truth to the best of your knowledge? yes. thank you. you may be seated. item c, approval of minutes, discussion and possible action to adopt the minutes for the meeting held on november 21st, 2012. there is a motion to approve the minutes. move to approve. second. all in favor. aye. any opposed? is there any public comment on the minutes? the


Transcripts For SFGTV 20130321

appellant that he was granted a 30-day continuance. yeah, i think this has been languaged in, too. the other problem with this hearing is that there s more than one issue. there were four issues, i think, that was going to be coming before this commission. so, what i would like to do is just to let the appellant know that we re going to hear it in 30 days. so, if somebody is sick, if somebody is not available, he should find somebody else to represent him. but for whatever reason, we re going to hear it, all these four cases, in 30 days whether he s here or not, or whether any of his representatives are here or not. so, he better get it together and have somebody here. that s what i would like to do. could i also say i m concerned that if we notice that something is on the calendar, if there is any public that s here in response to it, you know, that s one of the reasons why we shouldn t just take it off the agenda prior to the hearing because i want to make sure that


Transcripts For SFGTV 20130321

good morning. today is wednesday, march 20th, 2013. this is the meeting of the abatement appeals board. i would like to remind everyone to turn off all electronic devices. the first item on the agenda is roll call. president clinch? here. commissioner lee? here. commissioner mar? here. commissioner mccray? present. commissioner walker? present. and commissioner mccarthy and melgar are excused. ~ and we have a quorum. the next item is item b, the oath. will all persons that may be giving testimony today please stand and raise your right hand? do you swear that the testimony you are about to give is the truth to the best of your knowledge? yes. thank you. you may be seated. item c, approval of minutes, discussion and possible action to adopt the minutes for the meeting held on november 21st, 2012. there is a motion to approve the minutes. move to approve. second. all in favor. aye. any opposed? is there any public comment on the minutes? the


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