component-sniffing dogs. little tags with numbers on them spread all over the ground to where they think tiny little fragments of evidence went. but because the bomb, fortunately, did not go off because it was apparently so ill conceiv conceived, here s the whole thing. this is a huge break for investigators, and that s why they ve been able to move so quickly as as i said before, when they initially looked at the car, they looked you know, most cars, they look through the windshield, you can see what s called the vin number, the vehicle identification number, usually in a little metal inset on the dashboard. that had been somebody had tried to obliterate it by scratching it out. but, of course, vin numbers are all over cars, they re stamped on parts that you can t see until you start taking the car apart. and those numbers were all intact. and that led them to the records to see who was the owner of the car. they found the registered owner, they when to the registered owner in c
police department, you hear the news. there s a pathfinder smoking. the vendor calls. what steps do you take from that point to get to what happened at 11:45 last night? clearly they did all the right things. the vehicle was the main piece of forensic evidence. and the v.i.n. number had been scratched off by this guy, another amateur-hour job. they were able to get other v.i.n. numbers off the car. that led to the sale of the car back to the internet to the guy s name to his residence, and then they were able to pick him up just as he was boarding the airplane. again, if he were smarter, he would have gotten on an earlier flight and might have gotten away. it goes to a conversation you and i were having yesterday which is degrading the support network for anybody that would want to do this almost seems to be more important i wouldn t say as important, i guess i will say, as preventing the bombers if only because stopping the bomber is a near impossibility. having stupid bombers i
number. you can t really scrub a v.i.n. number from the car. there are 12 different or more v.i.n. numbers on cars, what has gotten many terrorists caught in the past. timothy mcveigh, quite frankly, caught. this vehicle would have v.i.n. numbers in other locations other than the one we re used to on the dashboard. my guess is the fact that they now say they know the v.i.n. number, know that this car came from the tri-state area, that they probably know to whom the car was registered to. the question is was that person involved? raymond kelly said today that the car was not stolen, so you would have to at least assume the potential that the person who owns that car knew the person who drove it into manhattan. drew griffin, investigative correspondent with us tonight as we continue to troy to track the investigation into the attempted car bombing. we we come back we ll go to the scene in times square and have more panel discussions as the police try to put together what drew was talki
i want to come back to the point so people understand this. when people say they are looking for a, white male. the surveillance video, he was in the vicinity of the vehicle. hard to imagine where some of the vin numbers have been stripped. you have plates taken from another vehicle. you have all these explosives in the car. crude explosives, but significant. one person or is the suspicion always somebody had to be helping? oklahoma city, this has some potential parallels, too. it s at least two or three people involved. this doesn t seem like a lone wolf. stripping the vin number is premeditated. thanks for your thoughts. we re going to take a quick break. back with more on the attempted car bombing in the heart of times square. , our bodies can steal it from our bones.
car, the v.i.n. numbers, vehicle identifica numbe have been stripped, plates taken from another vehicle. you have all these explosives in the car. crude explosives but still significant one person or the suspicion someone had to be helping? oklahoma city, this has some potential parallels to. that was two, or three people involved. this doesn t seem like a lone wolf. stripping out the v.i.n. number is premeditation and isn t an entirely thanks for your thoughts tonight. we ll be back with much more on this investigation, the attempted car bombing in the heart of times square. take 2 exl every 4-6 hours. i m taking 8 pills a day, and if i take it for 10 days, that s 80 pills. just two aleve can last all day. perfect. [ male announcer ] choose aleve and you could be taking 4 times fewer pills than extra strength tylenol.