Veteran actor Mukesh Khanna, known for his role as Shaktimaan in the popular 1997 series, announced in a video today that no actor has been chosen yet to play Shaktimaan in the upcoming movie.
Bollywood actress and dancer Nora Fatehi has bravely spoken about the mistreatment she s faced in the entertainment industry, especially from male superstars. She highlighted instances of bullying and humiliation, emphasizing the challenges she faces as a strong woman who refuses to conform to submissive stereotypes. Despite the negativity aimed at her, Nora remains resilient and true to herself, refusing to be a victim of industry dynamics.
Bolywood actor Nora Fatehi in a recent talk show revealed how she felt when male superstars mistreated her in the entertainment business. The diva also revealed how she was criticised for her opinion. Read on to find more details. - Nora Fatehi Calls Out Men in Industry For Bullying Her: They Say S t About Me