happening right no w. ing right now. as plumes of smoke rose i n di st an ce , as plu dr e, w ho h as froamseil iy an dr e,an wd hobu hsiasne fsse s, handed out thermal handed ut t he rmscalop es and radios, sc opboesug ahtnd w ritadh ioo ht w it h pamortne dy oninat e an s. americans. me an wh il e, w e mereanwh lear ni or e ab ou t the victims of that the victim s ha t russiarike in ir n on s unrudassy.ian strike i irpin sunday three members of a three members of a family killed as t y fa k il le d as they d to e sc ap e thrue ss russian advance. 43-year-old tatiana 43-year-old tatiana parabanise, her pa18ra-ybaeanir-seol, d hesoa and he r ar -o ld 18-yean an daughter alyssa. 9-year-old daughter. tatian a ed f or a tatian a company based in ca li focornia californ . she loved her family sh e wa s ve sryhe p wroa er kids.ds she gave the al l sh e she gave them all sh co ul d. reporter: t i n r r: tirodpiayn iwe met irpin 84 -y ea r- ol d va84le-ynteai. with each step, she with
overreporting. what do you view what he s doing there? as littlefulwillfully deceptive propaganda? it is absolutely willfully deceptive propaganda. but he s preying oen this feeling many people have. it is a natural feeling to tend to empathize with victims. and if the victim happens to be of the same race or gender or religion, there s it s easier for a person to put themselves in the shoes of that victim. and so what happens is that when an attack like this happens and we hear about these victims ha are non-muslims, then the non-muslim viewer will think we need more coverage of this. but if you look at simply the numbers and the facts, you see that the reality is quite the opposite. and i think that part of the reason why the media is not doing as good of a job on this is that in newsrooms themselves, we don t have enough diversity. we don t have enough people mo are able to see that these