happening right no w. ing right now. as plumes of smoke rose i n di st an ce , as plu dr e, w ho h as froamseil iy an dr e,an wd hobu hsiasne fsse s, handed out thermal handed ut t he rmscalop es and radios, sc opboesug ahtnd w ritadh ioo ht w it h pamortne dy oninat e an s. americans. me an wh il e, w e'mereanwh lear ni or e ab ou t the victims of that the victim s ha t russiarike in ir n on s unrudassy.ian strike i irpin sunday three members of a three members of a family killed as t y fa k il le d as they d to e sc ap e thrue ss russian advance. 43-year-old tatiana 43-year-old tatiana parabanise, her pa18ra-ybaeanir-seol, d hesoa and he r ar -o ld 18-yean an daughter alyssa. 9-year-old daughter. tatian a ed f or a tatian a company based in ca li focornia californ . >> she loved her family sh e wa s >>ve sryhe p wroa er kids.ds she gave the al l sh e she gave them all sh co ul d. >> reporter: t i n >> r r: tirodpiayn iwe met irpin 84 -y ea r- ol d va84le-ynteai. with each step, she with each step, she prprayayeded. "d ea r je su s,"d" eashr e je whispers, "let us live wh pe rs , "lthetro uugs h lithve happiness and destroy happiness and destroy putin an d l hi m putin l him fr kr ai ne ." from u >> richard joins us. richard, the u.s.