The Chief Minister of Karnataka, Siddaramaiah, has stated that the state government will appeal to the Supreme Court for an injunction against the order from the Cauvery Water Management Authority (CWMA) to release 5,000 cusecs of water per day to Tamil Nadu. Siddaramaiah has also sought the intervention of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the matter.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Citing the "drought-like situation" in Karnataka, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday said the state government will appeal in the Supreme Court for an injunction against the CWMA order that stipulates the release of about 5,000 cusecs of water per day to Tamil Nadu till September 28. India News | Citing Drought-like Situation, Ktaka CM Says Will Seek SC Injunction on Release of Cauvery Water to TN.