the receipts put on display fora everyone to see. ncto, people who fear factsjo are dangerous. i would sak yoy jason whitlock, who again hau sos it on this lor than anyone i know. thank you so much. thank you, tyler.ecry so you just heard the white house spokesperson decry hateleg on the internet hate campaign, the single biggestge hate campaign of our lifetime wastion waged by the biden administration against the ,vact quote, unvaccinated people are unvaccinated. we re uncleannespeople ws thankt with them. they re bad people.ans, t they re not really americans. they could kilhey could kil youp well, now facts have overtaken that story. the majoritythis poi people dyim covid at this point are vaccinated. so it s not a pandemic vaccine. no one has told jetblue, though, jetblue apparently still believes thatunvacc the unvaccinated are dangerous. but here s the amazing thing. jetbluine is fine with a violenn felon on its plane. no problem at all. an update on jetblue next. are y
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