Bramayugam, the Malayalam horror thriller, directed by Rahul Sadasivan and co-produced by Night Shift Studios and YNOT Studios, offers an enthralling cinematic experience in black-and-white. Starring Mammootty, Arjun Ashokan, Sidharth Bharathan, and Amalda Liz, the film hit theaters on February 15, 2024. The box office collection for the first 5 days stood at an estimated ₹14.4 Cr India net.
Experience the chilling depths of Bramayugam with Mammootty in a haunting portrayal. Directed by Rahul Sadasivan, this black-and-white Malayalam horror thriller, co-produced by Night Shift Studios and YNOT Studios, promises an enthralling cinematic journey.Stay tuned for X Reviews for insights into this spine-tingling cinematic venture.
Stay updated on the OTT release details of Bramayugam which released today in theaters. Directed by Rahul Sadasivan, this Malayalam horror thriller starring Mammootty promises an unforgettable journey into darkness. Stay tuned for the latest updates on its digital premiere.