Mammootty s upcoming action-comedy film Turbo is set for an early release on May 23rd, 2024, instead of the initially planned June 13th date. Directed by Vysakh and written by Midhun Manuel Thomas, the movie introduces Telugu actor Sunil and Kannada star Raj B Shetty to Malayalam cinema. The film s poster, featuring Mammootty in a Turbo avatar, has created excitement among fans, promising a thrilling and entertaining experience.
Kamal Haasan revealed the latest poster for Indian 2, simultaneously announcing that the movie will see a worldwide release in June. - Indian 2: Kamal Haasan Looks Unrecognisable With Grey Hair in New Poster For His Upcoming June Release - PIC
Experience the chilling depths of Bramayugam with Mammootty in a haunting portrayal. Directed by Rahul Sadasivan, this black-and-white Malayalam horror thriller, co-produced by Night Shift Studios and YNOT Studios, promises an enthralling cinematic journey.Stay tuned for X Reviews for insights into this spine-tingling cinematic venture.
JAAP VAN ZWEDEN'S ODE TO JOY will be performed by the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra next week. The performance is set for Thursday 21st December, 2023 at 8PM at LOTTE Concert Hall.