Streamer greenlights another season for the beautifully stylized animated series, created by Amber Noizumi and Michael Green, which follows a mixed-race sword master living a life in disguise and shame while seeking vengeance in Edo-period Japan.
Creators Amber Noizumi and Michael Green’s period drama of a mixed-race sword master living a life in disguise and shame while seeking vengeance in Edo-period Japan expertly mixes live-action and animation production know-how in a beautifully stylized new series, now streaming on Netflix.
Led by VFX supervisor Wes Froud and VFX producer Scott Shapiro, lead vendor DNEG, along with Digital Domain, Distillery VFX, Host VFX, Luma Pictures, Outpost VFX, Perception, RISE, Territory Studios, Visual Creatures, and Zoic Studios, delivered a wide selection of 1,796 VFX shots, ranging from UI motion graphics to an explosive train crash, on the famed MCU directing duo’s