AssassInatIon attempt agaInst Donald Trump Last Sunday at hIs FlorIda Golf Club Is appallIng and do despIcable. It Is the second straIght faIlure by the Secret ServIce whIch dId not secure the Golf Course and the 58yearold convIcted felon mIght well have succeeded If a sharpeyed Agent Hadnt spotted the tIp of hIs gun through I the fence and opened fIre. ThIs Is sImply unacceptable, and trumps securIty must be Increased. But It Is there that any MedIa Con Consensus breaks down. Trump reacted by tellIng Fox News dIgItal he belIeves the rhetorIc of bIden and harrIs, and he acted on It. TheIr rhetorIc Is causIng me to be shot at. Let me just number In and say jump In and says anyone who trIes to kIll a candIdate or does a Mass ShootIng Is by defInItIon crazy. But these two two attempts In two months are fuelIng a fIrestorm of debate wIth the MedIas Role Front and center about whether Kamala HarrIs SIde or the Trump SIde Is more responsIble for fosterIng a clImate of vIolence. Donald trumps
From washington tonight it. Is a busy news evening so let s jump right in. My angle in moments. First, trump is back out on the campaign trail after the second assassination attempt on him in of course just two months. He should be stepping out on the stage at any moment in flint, michigan. You see sarah huckabee sanders standing there. Fox s aishah hasnie standing by. Aishah? hey there, laura, good evening to you. We got a packed crowd here in flint, michigan as you see the governor from arkansas behind me. She just said something. [crowd boos] she said a few weeks ago in milwaukee. She said god is not done with president trump. She said that a few days after that first attempt on him. That first assassination attempt. I m told by the campaign this was told a few moments ago that the former president will address what happened on sunday. He will start off this town hall with that he will detail the events of what happened on that golf course and then he will pitt to the economy and th