AssassInatIon attempt agaInst'>Donald Trump'>Last Sunday at hIs'>FlorIda Golf Club Is appallIng and do despIcable. It Is the second straIght faIlure by the'>Secret ServIce whIch dId not secure the'>Golf Course and the 58yearold convIcted felon mIght well have succeeded If a sharpeyed'>Agent Hadnt spotted the tIp of hIs gun through I the fence and opened fIre. ThIs Is sImply unacceptable, and trumps securIty must be Increased. But It Is there that any'>MedIa Con Consensus breaks down. Trump reacted by tellIng'>Fox News dIgItal he belIeves the rhetorIc of bIden and harrIs, and he acted on It. TheIr rhetorIc Is causIng me to be shot at. Let me just number In and say jump In and says anyone who trIes to kIll a candIdate or does a'>Mass ShootIng Is by defInItIon crazy. But these two two attempts In two months are fuelIng a fIrestorm of debate wIth the'>MedIas Role Front and center about whether'>Kamala HarrIs SIde or the'>Trump SIde Is more responsIble for fosterIng a clImate of vIolence. Donald trumps had It. Two shots, thats enough It, and he laId the blame squarely on the left. And Instead of havIng a lIttle bIt of selfreflectIon, the left got defensIve, and they saId, no, youre responsIble for people tryIng to kIll yourself. If'>Donald Trump wants people, wants'>Kamala HarrIs and others to say to stop sayIng that he Is a threat to democracy, then he should stop threatenIng democracy. Stop callIng'>Donald Trump a threat. I mean, people have trIed to kIll hIm more than once now. In both cases the IndIvIduals were not mInorItIes, undocumented ImmIgrants or someone from haItI or venezuela. Nope, they were whIte guys wIth guns. The memo clearly went out early sunday, contInue the attacks on trump unabated. Do not let an'>AssassInatIon Plot Interrupt theIr'>Rage And Revenge tour. Howard Its poIntless to call for the pundIts and polItIcIans to exercIse some restraInt durIng thIs overheated presIdent Ial electIon, but these gunmen and the faIlures on these near mIsses are sIgns of a deeply troubled country. Im'>Howard Kurtz and thIs Is medIabuzz. Howard j. D. Vance has been the former presIdent s'>PoInt Man many blamIng lIberals for Inflammatory language that has made'>Donald Trump, they belIeve, the target of wouldbe wIth assassIns. The bIg dIfference between conservatIves and lIberals Is that no one has trIed to kIll'>Kamala HarrIs In the last couple of months, and two people now have trIed to kIll'>Donald Trump In the last couple of months. Id say thats pretty strong the evIdence that the left needs to to tone down the rhetorIc and needs to cut thIs crap out. Howard but wIth the senator sayIng no one should call trump a fascIst, cnn host'>Abby PhIllIp has put together thIs montage. ThIs Is communIst, thIs Is marxIst, thIs Is fascIst. Theres a radIcalleft, marxIst, communIst fascIst. Shes a marxIst, shes a fascIst. Theyre scum, theyre scum, and they want to take down our country. They are absolute gash aage. Garbage. Howard joInIng us now to analyze the coverage In new york,'>Guy Benson,'>Fox News contrIbutor, and In san dIego, laura fInk, polItIcal'>Analyst And Ceo of rebel communIcatIons. Guy, when'>Donald Trump. Says democrats are to blame for the'>AssassInatIon Attempts and much of the medIa loudly proclaIm trump to be a'>Danger And Use'>HItler AnalogIes and so forth, Is hIs argument faIr . I dont thInk Its the faIr. I dont thInk Its faIr when eIther sIde does It, but what trump Is doIng here Is usIng the lefts standards agaInst them or at least tryIng to hold them to the standards that the medIa often erects whenever theres any pretense whatsoever or any possIbIlIty of blamIng the polItIcal rIght or conservatIve rhetorIc for any sort of act of vIolence or or threat. We get lectures about tonIng down the rhetorIc and a clImate of hate and dangerous words. And when the vIolence or threats flow the other way, the medIa generally does not apply that to the left. Theyre on the left, most of them, and the neat lIttle trIck that theyre tryIng In the last week or so Is the to actually blame trumps words for the vIolence targeted at hIm. So It seems lIke In a lot of newsrooms the'>Style GuIde Is polItIcal vIolence are, polItIcal threats. If Its goIng to be tIed to words or rhetorIc, It Is always the republIcans fault no matter who the target mIght be, and I thInk that drIves a lot of amerIcans up the wall. Howard laura, you mIght want to respond to that, but also my poInt earlIer when trump says,'>Donald Trump says that these wouldbe assassIns are shootIng at hIm because of harsh democratIc rhetorIc, agaIn, most of these people we talk about whats theIr notIve, theyre nutknobs motIve, theyre nutjobs. And and I know nutjobs wIth access to automatIc weapons whIch Is also a not automatIc. If I was a republIcan and a'>Trump Supporter and I had seen my presIdent Ial'>CandIdate Shot at and hurt once, I would be dIsturbed and I would be upset. And I thInk you see that from that condemnatIon of the vIolatIon from the top of the democratIc text. I thInk I want you want to be careful here though because creatIng a false equIvalency, when you look at a man who has buIlt hIs reputatIon on dIvIsIon and IncendIary language and, In fact, sometImes overt references to vIolence, thIs Is the not, you know, you dont need a'>Fact Checker to look thIs up. So I would say thIs, when j. D. Vance calls for It, If It Is not a polItIcal devIce and Its a real call to tone down the rhetorIc, the easIest way to create change Is at home. So when he Is asked about the 30'>Bomb Threats based on hIs condemnatIon of ImmIgrants In sprIngfIeld, ohIo, he can do that rIght there. And I thInk that'>Donald Trump can do that too from the top of the tIcket. Howard we wIll talk about that In another segment. But, guy, when trump turns around and says the democrats are a threat to democracy because they have been weaponIzIng'>Law Enforcement agaInst hIm and calls'>Kamala HarrIs a up communIst and a fascIst a communIst and a fascIst who would lead us Into'>World War III, by'>The Way, Isnt he beIng equally harsh amId all thIs fIngerpoIntIng . Yeah, of course. Theres very heated rhetorIc on both sIdes. Only one sIdes relate reck gets blamed for thIngs lIke what weve seen twIce In the last three months. Number one, I thInk Its Important to be careful and accurate when were talkIng about Issues lIke fIrearms. These are not automatIc weapons, these are semIautomatIc weapons, that thats a dIfference. Number two, the false equIvalence, we can talk about that, but what we have seen If were lookIng at a scorecard here Is two'>AssassInatIon Attempts agaInst'>Donald Trump, zero, thank goodness, exIstence the democratIc tIcket, so Im not sure those arguments hold a lot of water gIven the actual real world outcomes thIs weve seen. If we want to blame rhetorIc whIch I generally regent across the board. But thIs Is the game both sIdes play at a thIs poInt. And fInally, Im sorry Is that the measure though. . Hang on one second pardon me . Howard go ahead, guy. I was just goIng to say oh, I just was askIng If that was the measure. If that was the measure, gIven the number of threats, gIven the tenor, gIven the tone, gIven the repeated statements IncItIng vIolence IncludIng at the capItol and agaInst electIon workers. Im just wonderIng what your measure Is here, because I just dont thInk Its as a sImple as all that. And I thInk reducIng It to those sort of sImple tropes, Its not It doesnt advance the conversatIon. All rIght. If we want to stop polItIcal vIolence, we have to look at It realIstIcally. Im tryIng to be evenhanded about It, If we are havIng a conversatIon about polItIcal rhetorIc, we can note that one'>SIdes PresIdent Ial nomInee has a now been targeted for assassInatIon twIce In the last three months. The last poInt, howIe, I just have to say It, the'>Bomb Threats In ohIo have now been confIrmed by governor of that state to be from a foreIgn, actor howard yes. Not a result of'>Donald Trumps'>RhetorIc Howard or j. D. Vances. That Is a false claIm, to blame hIm for that and not thIs foreIgn, apparent foreIgn Interference by a hostIle government. DrawIng a lIne to that Is baseless. Howard well, a lot of that revolved around j. D. Vance. Guy, as long as Ive got you, It seems lIke medIa moved on really quIckly after'>Last Sundays attempted shootIng at the florIda'>Golf Course whIch actually the came close to succeedIng. And It was kInd of lIke, all rIght, hes okay, lets move on. What were the latest polls. Why Is that In. Well, I dont thInk Its a helpful narratIve to the medIa because they want'>Donald Trump to lose, Is humanIzIng hIm or makIng hIm feel lIke a sympathetIc fIgure Is not really onboard wIth the general narratIve that they want to paInt about hIm especIally In the fInal stretch of a presIdent Ial electIon thats very competItIve. So theyre the lIke, all rIght, check the box, we dId some coverage. He survIved It, lets just move on to the next thIng. And thats dIsturbIng regardless of where you come down polItIcally. There should be no normalIzatIon of serIous'>AssassInatIon Attempts agaInst presIdent Ial candIdates. That should not be a one or'>Twoday News Cycle and then we move on. And If, god forbId, the partIes were reversed In thIs case, there Is a 0. 0 chance that we would have moved on from It In the'>News News medIa, especIally If the alleged shooter was an outspoken supporter of'>Donald Trump, for example, as weve seen the allegatIons around thIs'>FlorIda Shooter and hIs polItIcal allIances. Howard one of the most sIckenIng thIngs Ive seen was thIs tweet by the'>New HampshIre LIbertarIan Party whIch saId anyone who murders'>Kamala HarrIs would be an amerIcan hero. Its just unthInkable, and that got these'>Bozos A VIsIt from the fbI. Laura, do medIa have a responsIbIlIty now even as both'>SIdes Trade harsh charges and countercharges to lower the temperature just a lIttle bIt across the polItIcal spectrum, lIberal In the mIddle or on the rIght, or does It just reward outrageous conduct because those are'>Sound BItes that get endlessly replayed . You know, medIas not a monolIth, so I thInk you see dIfferent'>MedIa Outlets handlIng thIs dIfferently. To respond to the volume of coverage or the'>Followup Coverage on the'>AssassInatIon Trump Attempt on trump, the abIlIty wIth whIch the medIa moves on, you cant say thats polItIcally motIvated necessarIly. ThIs Is also somethIng that happens wIth'>Gun VIolence agaInst chIldren, wIth the'>Mass ShootIngs that we see over and over agaIn. We see It domInate the'>News Cycle for a couple of days, and then we all move on. So I would say that If youre goIng to condemn the medIa for Its movIng on from'>Donald Trumps'>AssassInatIon Attempts, you can see that the problem Is much deeper than that as we confront'>Gun VIolence In thIs country and the deeper truths and problems and our InabIlIty to sort of confront It generally wIth polIcy and rhetorIc. Howard yeah. Guy, If'>PresIdent BIden would just declare that'>Donald Trump should get the same level of secret'>ServIce ProtectIon as If he were presIdent , the attack'>Last Sunday never would have of happened because they would have shut down'>Golf Course whIle he played. What the hell Is takIng so long . It seems lIke theyre fInally gettIng around to that, thats what were hearIng now from the'>Secret ServIce and I know there was a bIll passed In the house to that effect as well beefIng up securIty. But thIs Is too late, rIght . That should have happened the moment that the'>Butler Attempt faIled by a centImeter to kIll'>Donald Trump. He should have been boosted up to presIdent Ial'>Level Howard yeah. I thInk we can agree on that. By'>The Way,'>Kamala HarrIs campaIgn contacted me yesterday acceptIng the'>Cnn Debate for late october, but'>Donald Trump comIng back and sayIng, no, Its too late, early vote has started. When we come back, the contrast between how a black'>JournalIsts Group treated'>Kamala HarrIs and'>Donald Trump. And later, thInkIng about wants to ban propaganda . HIllary clInton wants tove'>Ba Mn Propaganda . To your monster todo lIst. Super helpful. See If you can save money at progressIvecommercIal. Com. Thank you. Have you trIed these new'>Febreze Car Vent clIps . The new'>IntensIty DIal gIves you total control. I can turn It up. That smells good or turn It down. Hmm. NIce and lIght. Enjoy 40 days of freshness, your way. Lalalalala tIme to press rewInd wIth. Neutrogena rapId wrInkle repaIr. It has dermproven retInol. Expertly formulated. To target skIn cell turnover. And fIghts not one but 5 sIgns of agIng. WIth vIsIble results. In just one week. Neutrogena'>CItIs Industry leadIng global payments solutIons help theIr clIents move money around the world seamlessly In over 180 countrIes. And help a partner lIke the'>World Food Programme as they provIde more than food to people In need. Together, cItI and the'>World Food Programme empower famIlIes across the globe. Howe'>Kamala HarrIs was treated rather gently by the'>NatIonal AssocIatIon Of Black JournalIsts wIth many questIons along the lInes of tell us a about your programs. Your opponents have at tImes weaponIzed you laughIng In campaIgn ads, for example. Why Is joy Important to you to Insert Into thIs electIon . Howard but when'>Donald Trump appeared before the group weeks ago a, thIs was the fIrst questIon you have pushed false claIms about some of your rIvals from'>NIkkI Haley to former'>PresIdent Barack Obama sayIng that they were not born In the unIted states, whIch Is not true. Of you have told four congresswomen of color who were amerIcan cItIzens to go back to where they came from. You have used words wIth lIke anImal and rabId to the descrIbe black dIstrIct attorneys. Youve attacked black journalIstses. Why should black voters truths you after you have used language lIke that . Well, fIrst of all, I dont thInk Ive ever been asked a questIon so, In such a horrIble manner. Howard'>Guy Benson, Is that almost unbelIevable contrast In the treatment of'>Kamala And Trump suggestIng to you that the nabj Is just another lIberal'>Advocacy Group . That Is quIte a contrast that to you just plaIded. On one hand, why are you such a lIar and a racIst . On the other hand, why Is'>Joy Howard not sound joyous thIs mornIng, by'>The Way. [laughter] I also would love a memo on the joy'>Kamala HarrIs elIcIts from the 982 of her staff 9 8 of her staff who leave her offIce. We dont hear very much from them when they talk about joy over there. Other questIons In the IntervIew of harrIs were a bIt tougher. There are so few opportunItIes of journalIsts to the'>Ask MIg of'>Kamala HarrIs, let alone followup questIons. We saw a few of them at that forum, and whats InterestIng Is, howIe, nbc hardly a harrIshostIle organIzatIon they wrote up that event In a way that was not very flatterIng to her sayIng that she was evasIve repeatedly, she would rah ramble and fIlIbuster and avoId real responses to to some of the questIons to the poInt that the audIence got antsy. A generally frIendly audIence, there were murmurs of dIssatIsfactIon multIple tImes over the course of that event howard rIght. Because she was clearly not answerIng questIons. And I would encourage people to go back and watch the very end when she shakes the hand of all three journalIsts and walks a off the stage, the journalIsts the three of them up there exchanged some looks, lIke, what just happened can. [laughter] howard let me get laura the Its actually an InterestIng clIp. Howard Its not that the questIons werent legItImate, but most were sort of framed from the left, especIally on the sItuatIon In gaza, and In the 45 mInutes, laura fInk, there was not a sIngle questIon about any of her flIp flops, Inform any of her changes In posItIon from the leftwIng stances she took just four years ago. Well, I want to make a couple poInts fIrst, howIe, and that Is we dIdnt take the fIrst questIon and compare It to the fIrst questIon. The fIrst questIon she was asked was from the reporter from polItIco whIch saId can you really say amerIcans are better off today than they were four year ago, usIng'>Trump MessagIng and throwIng her that questIon. So I would agree wIth my colleague that these were tough questIons. They pInned her down on Issues that are dIffIcult for anyone to answer rIght now If youre comIng from a democratIc posItIon. The war In gaza was somethIng, talkIng about the economy, talkIng about the thIngs that I hear republIcans say all the tIme they want her to be asked. And then wIth respect to trump, I wIll say thIs, hIm complaInIng about that fIrst questIon from'>Rachel Scott after hIs long hIstory of'>DemonIzIng Black JournalIsts and really sayIng all the thIngs that she saId Is lIke an arsonIst complaInIng about the heat. S just wIld to me. And, frankly,'>Haste Pawker In was on that a panel, and Im sure she had some questIons that were favorable to trump potentIally or that would allow hIm to address some of the stIckIer Issues In a way, In a favorable settIng. So I just wonder, I wonder If he hadnt melted down at that questIon lIke he dId In the debate, lIke he does everythIng tIme he gets behInd the every tIme he gets behInd the mIcrophone, would we be havIng a dIfferent dIscussIon rIght now . Howard puttIng everythIng he ever saId In the fIrst questIon, I thought, came off as a personal attack. Guy, when one of the reporters asked about gun control, agaIn framed from the left, the'>VIce PresIdent gave her standard answer about we need to ban assault weapons, but the reporter saId Is I asked about handguns, and'>Kamala KInd of ducked that. FInIsh. Well, she ducked everythIng. She doesnt have substancIve answers on anythIng. She has no explanatIon for all the many flIpflops In her posItIons. She has rehearsed, memorIzed answers almost verbatIm from what she prepared for the debate, and she preets them. And In the rare Instance of followup questIons, thats not really her jam whIch Is why she avoIds these types of IntervIews altogether howard rIght. To the greatest extent possIble. And thats what we got on that fIrst questIon, are amerIcans better off today, thats a completely faIr questIon. Shes been In charge for almost four years and her answer was, surprIsesurprIse, well, look, I grew up a mIddle class kId, almost copy and pasted from that debate answer. Howard I would quIbble only that bIden was In charge for most of the four year. But, laura, by gIvIng boIlerplate answers, shes not'>MakIng News, and were now back to the an envIronment after a month of beIng shut out where'>Donald Trump Is'>MakIng News all the tIme even puttIng asIde the awful'>AssassInatIon Attempts. Ive got about half a mInute. Donald trumps'>MakIng News and hes not'>MakIng News. Hes not'>MakIng News when he takes a'>Town Hall away from an autoworker and gIves a'>10mInute Answer about nuclear weapons and wIndIng around and and then eventually lands on tarIffs . That sort of'>IncomprehensIble Response Is one that would have been attacked as senIlIty If bIden were a9 the temperature of the the tIcket, but here we are fInIsh the at the top of the tIcket. Kamala harrIs as Improved d has Improved her favorabIlIty, so Its wIld to hear questIons about her tack takes as she seeks to Introduce herself wIth voters. Its wIld to to me that shes doIng so well and clImbIng and has the momentum, and we hear all of these crItIques about her answers. The amerIcan people clearly dIsagree. Howard rIght. And trump dId post thIngs lIke I hate taylor swIft, and'>Everybody Talks about It. Laura fInk and guy men southern Is, thanks so much. Guy benson. Catch'>Guy Benson tonIght, 7 eastern on the bIg weekend show. Up next, a bIg twIst In the'>MedIa Debate over haItIan, dogs, cats In ohIo and, later, the devastatIng IndIctment agaInst'>Sean DIddy combs. D'>We SafelIte came rIght to us, and we could see exactly when theyd arrIve wIth a replacement we could trust. Vo schedule free'>MobIle ServIce at safelIte. Com. SIngers safelIte repaIr, safelIte replace. ChoIce hotels Is a famIly of brands wIth a hotel for any traveler you want to be. LIke 1 chef dad, cookIn up a free, hot breakfast for the entIre famIly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thIs. Umm. I. Added. The garnIsh. Book dIrect at choIcehotels. Com. We are people lIvIng wIth afIb. And over 400,000 of us have left blood thInners behInd. For lIfe. Weve cut our stroke rIsk. And saId goodbye to our'>BleedIng Worry wIth the watchman Implant. We may be gettIng older. But weve never squeezed more out of lIfe. And we are just gettIng started. JoIn us at watchman. Com. Watchman. Its one tIme, for a lIfetIme. Howard'>Donald Trump warned at the debate that haItIan mIgrants In sprIngfIeld, ohIo, are eatIng your cats and dogs, j. D. Vance echoed that claIm whIch has been debunked by offIcIals. Can you affIrmatIvely say now that that Is a rumor that has no base, basIs wIth evIdence . I have to create storIes so that the amerIcan medIa actually pays attentIon to the sufferIng of the amerIcan people, then thats what Im goIng to do. Howard joInIng us now, grIff jenkIns,'>Fox News correspondent and anchor. Just as one'>Example P Senator If'>Vances OffIce cIted a mIssIng cat. A'>Wall Street Journal reporter actually went to the sprIngfIeld, pound the owner and saId that mIss sassy had been lost In the basement for a couple days, and she apologIzed to her neIghbors. [laughter] well, lets start wIth the fact that theres no shortage of Cat Memes now courtesy of j. D. Vance howard some of whIch are funny. But I thInk'>Karl Rove PIt best when he wrote thIs week In the'>Wall Street Journal that the vance the'>Trumpvance CampaIgn has yet to to convInce a sIngle'>OhIo Pet Owner whos mournIng fluffy or fIdo who was barbecued by haItIans. I thInk the larger poInt Is a valId one whIch Is wIth less than 45 days, theres sImply no tIme to to waste on thIngs lIke thIs when your job Is to drIve home the overrIdIng faIlures of, you know, InflatIon and the border crIsIs. Now, I wIll say howard youre sayIng the story was a dog. Exactly. [laughter] howard I just want to note that republIcan governor'>MIke DewIne says he told vance that these educatIons were garbage and these allegatIons were garbage, and yet trumps runnIng mate seems to be repeatIng them. In that clIp you heard vance say If he has to create, then hes goIng to do It to raIse a larger poInt. But I would argue to you, howIe, that what vance created was a dIstractIon from the real crIsIs hIttIng sprIngfIeld. Ive covered thIs Issue I pretty extensIvely, IntervIewed the ohIo attorney general whos lookIng at suIng the government because of the bIdenharrIs controversIal'>Chnv Program thats brought over 200,000 haItIans Into the u. S howard they have protectIve status because the other sIde calls them Illegal ImmIgrants. RIght. But sprIngfIelds a populatIon of 60,000, 20,000 haItIans are there, and so howard thats a real problem. They cant sustaIn It, and yet theyre talkIng now about whether or not pets are gettIng eaten whIch Is, I thInk, a dIsreactIon. Howard does It, In the end, focus'>MedIa AntIcIpatIon on ImmIgratIon many a way that benefIts a'>Trump TIcket . If. Not when Its not beIng taken serIously. And you cant argue that were puttIng a spotlIght wIth such lIttle tIme left on how thIngs lIke thIs program and brIngIng In these haItIans to communItIes lIke sprIngfIeld needs to be reverseds whIch Is the argument that vance should be makIng. Instead Its the Cat Memes and the dog memes. Howard well, to the senators credIt, I mean, some people blamed j. D. Vance for a serIes of'>Bomb Threats In sprIngfIeld whIch closed down schools, hospItals and so forth. Its a ludIcrous suggestIon, I thInk, that some publIc fIgures are beIng held accountable, but now we know those threats came from a foreIgn country. I thInk vance Is vIndIcated on that poInt. I thInk Its unfaIr to blame vance the. Howard yeah. For the'>Bomb Threats that came. As you poInt out, from from a foreIgn country. But at the end of day, what was lost maybe here was an opportunIty to lean Into the fact that you have communItIes all across'>AmerIca LIke SprIngfIeld that have the same problems wIth haItIans comIng In. Weve got'>BIll MelugIn reportIng on mIgrants that are rapIng and commIttIng crImes up In nantucket and other small communItIes. But yet here weve got vance beIng unfaIrly blamed for'>Bomb Threats comIng from a foreIgn country and yet people are stIll talkIng about Cat Memes. Howard but the dogs and cats are safe. GrIff jenkIns, thanks. HIllary clInton wants to outlaw propaganda, but doesnt that trample on Free Speech . ThIs'>KIa TurbohybrId Is buIlt for all the thIngs youve yet to do. LIke takIng a long drIve. Just to throw a'>Monster TaIlgate Party at an away game. BrIsket anyone . Do whats yet to be done. The new kIa carnIval turbohybrId. Subject 1 whos comIng In the drIveway . Subject 2 dad dad, we mIssed you daddy, hI subject 3 I mIssed you. My daughter Is beIng treated for leukemIa. Subject 2 mom, mom, mom, mom. Subject 3 I hope that she lIves a long, great, happy lIfe and that she wIll never forget how'>Mom And Daddy love her. St. Jude, thIs Is whats keepIng my'>Baby GIrl alIve. Subject 4 thIs september, you can joIn the battle to save lIves durIng'>ChIldhood Cancer Awareness month by supportIng st. Jude chIldrens research hospItal. For just 19 a month,'>Youll Help us contInue the lIfesavIng'>Research And Treatment these kIds need now and In the future. Subject 5 cancer makes me feel angry, not In the feel on the outsIde, just the InsIde. Im angry at It. [musIc playIng] subject 6 when your kId Is hurtIng and theres nothIng you can do about It, thats the worst feelIng In the world. [musIc playIng] subject 4 1 In 5 chIldren dIagnosed wIth cancer In the us wIll not survIve. [musIc playIng] subject 7 those that donate to st jude, I hope that you wIll contInue to gIve. They have done so much for me and my famIly. [musIc playIng] subject 4 joIn wIth your'>DebIt Or CredIt card now and well send you thIs st. Jude tshIrt that you can proudly wear. Subject 8 [speakIng spanIsh] Subject 9 are you ready to go have some fun . Subject 10'>Yeah Subject 9'>Yay Subject 11 when we came here, we dIdnt know what tomorrow would hold. St. Jude showed us that tomorrow, theres hope for our lIttle gIrl to survIve. [musIc playIng] subject 4 lets'>Cure ChIldhood Cancer together. Please donate now. [musIc playIng] howard'>HIllary ClInton peddlIng a new memoIr told'>Rachel Maddow she wants to outlaw, quote, propaganda wIthout explaInIng how that would be enforced. I also thInk there are amerIcans who are engaged In thIs kInd of propaganda and whether they should be cIvIlly or even In some cases crImInally charged Is somethIng that would be a better deterrence. Howard the former presIdent Ial candIdate also saId thIs I dont understand why Its so dIffIcult for the press to have a consIstent narratIve about how dangerous trump Is. Howard joInIng us now from new york, or carolIne downey, a'>Staff WrIter for natIonal'>RevIew And JessIca for love, cohost of the fIve. JessIca tarlov. CarolIne are, the former presIdent Ial candIdate, senator, Secretary Of State wants to allow crImInal charges for spreadIng propaganda, and who draws the lIne between outrIght actIvIsm and outrIght'>Prop Gab da . Propaganda. RIght, howIe, and from'>HIllary ClInton, thIs sounds lIke the pot callIng the kettle black. Her own campaIgn propagatedded the hoax that russIa Interfered In the 2016 electIon to delegItImIze trump, and also thIs would be used probably unfaIrly as a standard. I mean, remember the 51 former u. S. IntellIgence offIcIals who called the'>Hunter BIden Laptop'>Story RussIan Propaganda howard rIght. Would they be hauled off to jaIl . And ultImately, what shes proposIng Is gIvIng the russIans exactly what they want. ThIs Is a gIft to them because they just really want amerIcans to dIstrust our polItIcal system, and thIs Is defInItely sowIng that doubt. Howard jessIca, Its already Illegal to the'>Spread Propaganda on behalf of foreIgn country If youre not regIstered, but would you want a democratIc'>JustIce Department brIngIng charges agaInst a'>RepublIcan Or VIce versa . Who would fInd that credIble . Im not sure that anyone would. Id lIke more specIfIcIty from the former Secretary Of State of how exactly thIs would be Implemented. But what I thInk shes talkIng about Is a larger Issue around foreIgn Interference and also how members of the trump campaIgn, lawyers that worked for hIm, were spreadIng propaganda and are now beIng charged for theIr actIons lIke the'>Jenna EllIs of the world, sIdney powell, mark meadows, etc. And I thInk thats really what hIllarys talkIng about. I just quIckly want to'>PIg Byback off what carolIne just saId about the 2016, quote, russIa collIsIon hoax. Robert mueller dId fInd that russIa a was tryIng to Impact our electIons. They put out, you know, they were arrestIng russIans you cant go through wIth that, but russIa dId Interfere In the electIon In order to benefIt'>Donald Trump, and they wanted to benefIt'>BernIe Sanders when It was durIng the prImary. And now weve seen from the latest IndIctment that'>MerrIck Garland put out there that they are tryIng to Interfere or In our electIon agaIn howard russIa, russIa, russIa. Yeah, russIa, rush russIa, russIa. Howard I want the play thIs'>Sound BIte In whIch'>Donald Trump makes thIs large agaInst the'>VIce PresIdent. Charge agaInst the'>VIce PresIdent. Iran has spIed on my campaIgn, thInk of thIs, and gIven the InformatIon to kamala. Whats that all about . That alone should yet me electe. Howard the fbI says IranIan hackers stole dIgItal materIal and seven It sent It to the'>BIdenharrIs CampaIgn whIch regarded It suspIcIously. PolItIco,'>WashIngton Post got the same stuff, deny publIsh It. Is that spyIng . Look, howIe, democrats are obsessed wIth foreIgn'>ElectIon Interference except when theyre not. Theyre outraged about russIa, but hen then they Ignore all these other malIgn actors because theyre targetIng theIr polItIcal opponents. And In thIs case, It was trump. I mean, those IranIan hackers, they dIssemInated fIle on j. D. Vance, doug burgum,'>Marco RubIo to multIple'>MedIa Outlets, but It actually goes beyond opposItIon research. Cnn found those IranIan agents actually probably collected data that the regIme In tehran could use for'>AssassInatIon And KIdnappIng plots. And then theres chIna. What about beIjIng . We just had an agent InfIltrate the offIce of democratIc new'>York Governor kathy hochul, so there Is the an Imbalance of concern here. And, yes howard but, jessIca, there was, as youll recall, day before the democratIc conventIon In 2016 spyIng when wIkIleaks yeah, whIch'>Donald Trump howard dumped a whole lot of stuff about the dnc and overshadowed the conventIon, and everybody publIshed that. Everyone dId publIsh that. I would actually lIke a lot of these reporters that are sayIng they cant brIng the materIal out gIve a puller explanatIon. Maybe thats the theme of the day, gIve me a fuller explanatIon as to why theres a dIfferent standard thIs tIme than there was In 2016 because'>Donald Trump Is not beIng an honest broker In'>The Way hes dIscussIng thIs now. He so cleary benefIted, engaged and encouraged spyIng In the 20216 electIon because It was goIng to work to hIs benefIt. HIllary'>ClInton Wasnt spyIng on hIm or'>Barack Obama or Anyone Else who he thInks Is obsessed wIth hIm. Howard I want to touch on the Issue that has'>VIce PresIdent harrIs most passIonate, and that Is abortIon rIghts. And she was In georgIa on frIday, devoted the whole speech to It talkIng about two cases where where, accordIng to propublIca, women dIed eIther because they receIved delayed treatment or no treatment under the states 6week abortIon ban. Are the medIa basIcally on her sIde, carolIne . Theyre wholly on her sIde. And, look, those two cases of those women that kamala a haste used to attack prolIfe georgIa were far more complIcated than she was lettIng on, but the medIa dId not afford that nuance. Those two women dIed of complIcatIons from the'>AbortIon PIll and'>Kamala HarrIs claImed that under georgIas 6week restrIctIon, women would have to be on'>Deaths Door before they could receIve medIcal attentIon, and that Is a patently false. The law explIcItly empowers doctors to Intervene In the case of medIcal emergencIes or If the pee dIscuss has no heartbeat the fetus has no heartbeat. But the the medIa Is affIrmIng the falsehoods shesen be sayIng at these rallIes. Howard and, jessIca,'>Donald Trump posted on hIs web sIte, progressIve women, youll no longer be thInkIng about abortIon because Its the now wIth the states. Yeah, thats the worlds most unpopular posItIon If you look at the pollIng, or whats goIng on In thIs electIon where we had seven State Referendums on thIs where even In the most conservatIve places lIke kentucky women are showIng up In droves to tell people, no, sIx weeks Is not enough. And also mInd your damn busIness. What happened to'>Amber NIcole Thurman Is a travesty. Those doctors waIted 20 the hours to gIve her the lIfesavIng operatIon that she need. And why'>Kamala HarrIs Is hIghlIghtIng thIs Is not only that Its an porn Issue, Its testIng an Important Issue, Its somethIng that affects half of the populatIon, but what happened wIth kate cox, for Instance, In texas. People were waItIng sayIng someone Is goIng to dIe, and now someone has dIed as a result of thIs. And I dont know how anyone no matter your polItIcal'>StrIpe Cant be outraged about thIs. Howard all rIght offul weve got to get a break here. Next, dId'>Kamalas Bash wIth oprah make any news In and'>Donald Trumps message to jewIsh groups. Im thInkIng. speakIng to self about our honeymoon. What about afrIca . SafarI . Hot'>AIr Balloon RIde . SwIm wIth elephants . WaIt, can we afford a safarI . Great questIon. LIke everythIng, It takes a lIttle plannIng. Or, put the money towards a downpayment. On a ranch. In montana. WIth horses lets take a look at those scenarIos. J. P. Morgan'>Wealth Management has advIsors In Chase Branches and tools, lIke'>Wealth Plan to keep you on track. When youre plannIng for It all. The answer Is j. P. Morgan'>Wealth Management. Im not a doctor. Im not even In a doctors offIce. Im standIng on the streets talkIng to real people about theIr heart. Hows your heart . My hearts pretty good. You sure . I thInk so. How do you know . Youre drIvIng a car, you have the check engIne lIght. But the heart doesnt have a hey, check heart sIgn. I want to show you somethIng. Put both fIngers rIght on those pads. There you go. In 30 seconds were goIng to have a medIcalgrade ekg readIng. There It Is that Is you. Look at that. WIth kardIamobIle, you can take a medIcalgrade ekg In just 30 seconds from anywhere. KardIamobIle Is proven to detect atrIal fIbrIllatIon, one of the leadIng causes of stroke. And Its the only personal ekg thats fdacleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardIa and tachycardIa. How much do you thInk thIs devIce costs . Probably a thousand. 99 wow. Thats ImpressIve. CheckIng your heart anytIme, anywhere has never been easIer. And kardIamobIle Is how hsa fsa elIgIble. Get'>KardIamobIle Today for just 79 at kardIa. Com or amazon. The best way to solve a problem Is to keep It from happenIng. At evernorth, we combIne medIcal and pharmacy data wIth behavIoral health data to IdentIfy members In need of care. PredIctIng and treatIng behavIoral health Issues quIckly. WhIle lowerIng costs for Plan Sponsors and members. Thats wonder made possIble. Evernorth health'>ServIces Howard theres no shortage of alIst celebrItIes when oprah hosted a'>StreamIng MedIa Event wIth'>Kamala HarrIs. I hear'>ChrIs Rock Is In the house. ChrIs, where are you . ChrIs rock Is In the house. [cheers and applause]'>Meryl Streep Is In the house. [cheers and applause] It felt lIke a veIl dropped and you sort of stepped through that a veIl. DId that actually the dId you feel lIke that . I felt a sense of responsIbIlIty, to be honest wIth you. Howard carolInes In the house and so Is jessIca. WhIle there were some emotIonal moments, carolIne, IncludIng a hIgh'>School Student who had been shot In class, dId'>Kamala HarrIs hes make any news . Concern herself make any news . Welsh Ill tell you that what wIll legacy medIa saw was another Joy Fest For Hollywood but what many undecIded voters lIkely saw was evasIveness on the most Important Issues. Im genz,'>Oprahs AudIence Is mostly over 55. ThIs IntervIew dId nothIng to to persuade the holdouts of my generatIon whIch are very much concerned wIth home ownershIp,'>CredIt Card then agaIn cIty. And'>Peggy Noonan called'>Kamala HarrIs an artless dodger, and I thInk thats accurate because thIs was basIcally oprah holdIng'>Kamala HarrIs hand as she dodged and stumbled on all the polIcy questIons that matter to people and then she masqueraded as thIs guntote'>ThIng Border Hawk whIch I have to gIve her credIt for, thats good strategy because she knows amerIca Is centerrIght howard I have another topIc I want to get to, so let me get jessIca In on thIs. Im not sure'>Kamala HarrIs has grasped If you dont make a new proposal, you dont make much news because all the thIngs she threw out, weve heard several tImes. Well, goIng a lIttle bIt deeper on the'>Gun OwnershIp ThIng was new, and Its clearly been so effectIve that that'>Theres VIdeo onlIne rIght now thats gone vIral of adrIan alrod talkIng on cnn about that answer, and Its been slowed down to blur what adrIan actually says the make It seem that camIlla a haste was lyIng concern'>Kamala HarrIs was lyIng about beIng a'>Gun Owner. It Is somethIng that Is persuasIve to people. They want to hear I am a'>Gun Owner myself, and we can stIll have sensIble protectIons to make sure that we dont have the level of loss of lIfe that were seeIng. Howard rIght. Okay, so here Is'>Donald Trump talkIng to two dIfferent jewIsh groups and makIng some waves. Roll It. WIth all I have done for Israel, I receIved only 24 of the jewIsh vote. Now thInk of thIs, I really havent been treated very well, but'>Thats Story of my lIfe. In my opInIon, the jewIsh people would have a lot to do wIth the loss If Im at 40 . ThInk of It, that means 60 of votIng for kamala who In partIcular Is a bad democrat. Howard let me come to to jessIca on thIs. Jews, as you know, are the 2 of the populatIon. DId'>Trump WInd up makIng It about hImself and hIs grIevances and what would happen If he lost . Well, he obvIously dId. Thats what he does wIth any demographIc that hes wIth. But thIs Is one thats partIcularly sensItIve. Im a jew myself. Theres, what, a 300 Increase In antIsemItIsm In thIs country sInce'>October 7th. Protests all over campuses that have gotten vIolent, attacks on j jews. The rhetorIc Is autoof out of control. 80 of amerIcan jews say that they hate that kInd of rhetorIc. And I thInk that Its IncredIbly Important that we emphasIze the fact that there Is a on the'>Vps ResIdence because of'>Kamala HarrIs because she Is marrIed to the a proud jewIsh man who talks about hIs faIth, and hopefully thIs wIll be on the whIte house come november well, january 21st. Howard carolIne. I thInk It Is the rampant If antIsemItIsm as well as the open support for terrorIsm among maInly democrats that Is makIng many jewIshamerIcans have second thoughts about theIr democratIc loyalty. Trump Is capItalIzIng on thIs, and I thInk thats faIr game. As a to toIsrael voter myself, I also am perplexed that he doesnt have hIgher support among jewIshamerIcans because under hIs admInIstratIon If'>AmerIcas FrIendshIp wIth Israel was never In doubt. Kamala'>HarrIs PosItIon on Israel Is basIcally as a clear as mud. She snubbed netanyahu, shes called for a ceasefIre whIch Is just another word for IsraelI surrender. Shes defInItely goIng to the take a concIlIatory approach to Iran whIch has been attackIng Israel vIa Its allIes, and he saId'>October 7th probably wouldnt have happened under hIs watch. He doesnt kowtow to Iran, so I belIeve that. Howard we are out of tIme we feel that way because'>Donald Trump talks about us In a dIsparagIng way constantly. He thInks Its all transactIonal probably because he thInks jews just care about money. Howard thanks, guys. New'>York MagazIne has suspended olIvIa nuzzI for vIolatIng standards around conflIcts of Interest. NuzzI developed a relatIonshIp wIth'>Rfk Jr. That wasnt physIcal, she says. MedIa reports says they were sectIng wIth pIctures but should have been dIsclosed. I deeply regret, she says, not doIng so ImmedIately and apologIze to those who are dIsappoInted. Pretty awful. Kennedy says he only met her once for an IntervIew and that produced a hIt pIece. ThInk to come,'>Sean DIddy combs staIns stands accused of heInous crImes and trump on gutfeld. ,4. rurI IchI, nI, san, shI. 1,2,3,4. hIna IchI, nI, san, shI. 1,2,3,4. akarI IchI, nI, san, shI. 1,2,3,4. others IchI, nI, san, shI. 1,2,3,4. others IchI, nI, san, shI. 1,2,3,4. you were made to chase your passIons. We were made to put them In a package. Howard'>Sean DIddy combs has been dogged bIrdIes gustIng allegatIons of mIsconduct for years. I spoke earlIer wIth kat tImpf, author of the new book, I used to lIke you untIl. Kat tImpf, welcome. Thanks for havIng me. Howard so dIddy Is charged wIth sex traffIckIng, racketeerIng, a whole long lIst here, keyed nappIng, forced labor, arson, brIbery, druggIng women to have sex wIth prostItutes. HIs lawyer says hes not guIlty, but thIs Is a massIve IndIctment. Its massIve, and everyone says It was kInd of an open secret. But we have the phrase open secret for a'>Reason K and thats because, sadly, thIs Is somethIng that has happened more than once. People saId the same thIng about harvey weInsteIn, about epsteIn, and, you know, Its one of these thIngs wIth where you mIght kInd of heard some thIngs or maybe seen some thIngs, but you also look around and what you dont see Is other people sayIng anythIng about It. And you mIght be nervous for a number of reasons. I mean, there Is thIs hIstory of vIolence. You mIght want to not cross the guy who, for example, allegedly hIt a'>Ucla Football Coach In the head for yellIng at hIs son. But also on a smaller level of, or oh, how mIght thIs affect my career, I notIce other people arent sayIng anythIng. And then somethIng happens or somethIngs publIc, and then all of a sudden stuff from the past, people feel comfortable, people come floodIng In. Howard yeah. I thought a'>TurnIng PoInt was when cnn, and thIs Is graphIc, Im just gIvIng the audIence a warnIng, posted vIdeo. ThIs was back In 2016. Sean combs kIckIng hIs'>ThengIrlfrIend CassIe Ventura down the hall, and It was just so appallIng, and he apologIzed. So does thIs show If youre a rIch'>CelebrIty And Youve got a lot of lawyers that you can beat the rap for ab awfully long tIme . Sadly, yes. ThIs vIdeo Is what changed everythIng. Of after thIs vIdeo came out, thats when rollIng stone fInally came out wIth an'>ArtIcle KInd of detaIlIng some of the stuff In hIs past, or there was more lawsuIts, people started comIng forward because, sadly, It does take somethIng lIke thIs because people dont want to speak out agaInst somebody wherf power. And the person wIth power, they know that. Thats what power Is. Howard rIght. Met me turn the to gutfeld where you had a chance to questIon the former and possIbly future presIdent of the unIted states, and you asked thIs there alIens at Area 51 . They were the oval offIce, three or four pIlots, these are not people that Make Up all I know, sIr, there was a round object whIch was goIng four tImes faster than my f2222. Howard why on earth are you askIng about alIens from outer space, and do you thInk hes goIng to the tell you . You never know. I mean, I feel lIke If there was ever someone who has been the presIdent who mIght just go ahead and say It, then It would probably be'>Donald Trump. [laughter] also It was a fun show, we were all havIng a good tIme, so I was, you know, keepIng It lIght. Not to say that Im not serIously curIous because I defInItely If I were presIdent , I would never get anythIng done. I would just want to the read all the documents that presIdent s'>Get Access to. [laughter] howard It seemed lIke wIth all the crackIng of jokes, It was almost lIke a days when trump used to go on the on howard sterns show. He seemed really up for that, even though It was really lIght. Yeah, It was Intended to be a lIght, sort of fun thIng. It wasnt a serIous news IntervIew. Were there wIth a lIve'>StudIo AudIence thats there to laugh, and trump, I always say whether you love or hate hIm, have to admIt that he does have good tImIng. Howard yes, hes got the shtIck the down, and I wonder If youll ever get a chance lIke thIs agaIn. May not. Howard thanks very much for joInIng us, and good luck wIth the book. Thank you. Howard thats It for us, were out of tIme. Im'>Howard Kurtz, the podcast Is medIa buzzmeter. See you next sunday. That smells good or turn It down. Hmm. NIce and lIght. Enjoy 40 days of freshness, your way. Lalalalala IntroducIng, neds plaque psorIasIs. He thInks hIs flaky red patches are all people see. Otezla Is the 1 prescrIbed pIll to treat plaque psorIasIs. Otezla can help you get clearer skIn. Dont use otezla If youre allergIc to It. SerIous allergIc reactIons can happen. Otezla may cause severe dIarrhea, nausea, or vomItIng. Some people takIng otezla had depressIon, suIcIdal thoughts, or weIght loss. Upper respIratory'>Tract InfectIon and headache may occur. LIve In the moment. Ask your doctor about otezla. When It comes to amgens lIfechangIng medIcal breakthroughs, every second counts. 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