in that position. but that s where paula deen finds herself i will give you the last word. i don t think she is going to have everything taken away from her. she already has. exposure, restaurants, gone. she will come back part way. maybe. but she is 66 years old. does she deserve what she is getting? no. it seems extreme. i agree. but the mob is so concerned about being politically correct. bill: there is no doubt about it but ms. deen should have been more aggressive in confronting everything that she did. because i still don t know what she did. stossel thank you very much. when we come right back, actor jamie foxx wears trayvon martin t-shirt at the mtv awards. those reports after these messages.
differently? jamie foxx. yeah. didn t say word? not a peep for jamie foxx, right. but if he a white actor went out with a t-shirt like you said with zimmerman s face on it or a quote that says i believe george, his or her career would be destroyed. it would be destroyed on the spot because they would say that person is a racist. that person is siding with the white hispanic defendant. bill: jamie foxx is not racist. that s the perception i agree with you. double standard unfair and grotesque but that s where we are. bill: colmes says the double standard is acceptable to him because of the historical wrongs put upon the african-american community by the white power structure. any validity to that? it is not right that we have this double standard in this country because by his logic okay under the first amendment. bill: him referring to colmes your brother-in-law. alan. bad colmes, by his logic under this first amendment jamie foxx can go out and put out whatever mes
to wear that. i think it s okay for anybody to wear anything they want to wear. bill: it s okay okay for jamie foxx to wear a t-shirt. yeah. bill: sending a message that he supports trayvon martin when he doesn t know what happened. i don t think any of us know exactly what happened unless we were there. you have free speech rights. that includes jamie foxx. you have the free speech right to do whatever you want and state an opinion. bill: that s not what we are talking about here. so, to you, this is okay. but if a white actor went up with zimmerman on the t-shirt, that would not be okay to you? i would think people. bill: to you. i would view it differently. i would view it differently because of the way the perception we have in this country we have a white power structure. bill: white power structure. blacks still in a minority in this country. do you know we have a black president and black wait,. that doesn t mean we have equality in this cou
human being should be put in that position. but that s where paula deen finds herself i will give you the last word. i don t think she is going to have everything taken away from her. she already has. exposure, restaurants, gone. she will come back part way. maybe. but she is 66 years old. does she deserve what she is getting? no. it seems extreme. i agree. but the mob is so concerned about being politically correct. bill: there is no doubt about it but ms. deen should have been more aggressive in confronting everything that she did. because i still don t know what she did. stossel thank you very much. when we come right back, actor jamie foxx wears trayvon martin t-shirt at the mtv awards. those reports after these messages.
bill: thanks for staying with us, i m bill o reilly. in the unresolved problem segment tonight, racism on display. actor jamie foxx wore a travon martin t-shirt at the black entertainment awards a couple weeks ago. of course jamie foxx has no idea what happened on the night mr. martin was killed in florida. never the less, he is extending his support in a very public way. now, the key question is this: if a white actor had worn a george zimmerman t-shirt would that have been acceptable. here now monica crowley and alan colmes. colmes, on the spot. probably would not have been acceptable. and it probably is a double standard and there is a double standard i think because of disparity in this country between the perception that there is a white power structure. blacks are the minority and i do believe we view things a little differently based on who really runs things in the united states. bill: i don t want to put words in your mouth. but it s okay for jamie foxx. is it okay by th