the procedure doesn t need admitting privileges to send a patient to the hospital. in a place like wichita or oklahoma city where the doctors do not live in the states where they do abortions, it s impossible for them to get admitting privileges at a local hospital. but that s of course the point. the point is not that doctors should be able to get those privileges. the point of these laws is that doctors won t get them, and so that can be used as an excuse to legally ban that doctor from performing abortions or to shutdown the clinics where they would have done so. we ve seen this play out. in texas in 203 the republican state government there passed an admitting privileges trap law. as a result half the clinics in that state were forced to shutdown. three years later the supreme court threw out that trap law in texas in a 5-3 decision. they r50u8ed it did nothing to protect womens heth but it did put a substantial burden on
they r50u8ed it did nothing to protect womens health but it did put a substantial burden on womens ability to access abortion, so that law was overturned. since then president trump has made two u.s. appointment tuesday the supreme court and there s a new flashing red light warning sign that the new conservative court wants to another look at this particular brand of t.r.a.p. law. the court has now taken up an identical t.r.a.p. law to the texas one they threw out. the case is set to be decided by the supreme court in june. the expectation is that this newly constituted court will change course on that t.r.a.p. law. the expectation is they re going to say that t.r.a.p. law is okay now even if the result is the immediate wholesale shut down of clinics. so when julie burkhart says she feels like there s opposition coming at her all the time, this is what she means. first anti-abortion threats and terrorism and violence have made
womens ability to access abortion, so that law was overturned. since then president trump has made two u.s. appointment tuesday the supreme court and there s a new flashing red light warning sign that the new conservative court wants to another look at this particular brand of trap law. the court has now taken up an identical trap law to the texas one they threw out. the case is set to be decided by the supreme court in june. the expectation is that this newly constituted court will change course on that trap law. the expectation is they re going to say that trap law is okay now even if the result is the immediate wholesale shutdown of clinics. so when julie burkhart says she feels like there s opposition coming at her all the time, this is what she means. first anti-abortion threats and terrorism and violence have made her city an unsafe place for local doctors to practice abortion. so her work around is flying doctors in from out sof state.
nearby hospital wherever they practice. there s no medical reason for this. abortion is relatively safe low risk procedure that in most cases can be done in a doctors office. complications that require hospitalization are very rare, and even in those very rare cases the doctor who performs the procedure doesn t need admitting privileges to send a patient to the hospital. in a place like wichita or oklahoma city where the doctors do not live in the states where they do abortions, it s impossible for them to get admitting privileges at a local hospital. but that s of course the point. the point is not that doctors should be able to get those privileges. the point of these laws is that doctors won t get them. and so that can be used as an excuse to legally ban that doctor from performing abortions or to shut down the clinics where they would have done so. we ve seen this play out. in texas in 203 the republican state government there passed an admitting privileges t.r.a.p. law. as a resul
if the supreme court lets that louisiana trap law stand, the one that s basically identical to the trap law of the court throughout 2016, the one that closed all those clinics in texas, if the new conservative majority in the supreme court lets the louisiana law stand, here are the places where that kind of law would likely shutdown the last clinic in the state. that s a realty we could be living next year. the court is etis to hear the case next year and raul by june. and that s what julie burkhart is preparing for right now. the name of her clinics is trust women. that s how he came to be an abortion provider himself. the mission of trust women which hangs on the walls in both clinics is, quote, to open clinics that provide abortion care in underserved communities so that all women can make their own decisions about their health care. there are more underserved