they r50u8ed it did nothing to protect womens' health but it did put a substantial burden on womens' ability to access abortion, so that law was overturned. since then president trump has made two u.s. appointment tuesday the supreme court and there's a new flashing red light warning sign that the new conservative court wants to another look at this particular brand of t.r.a.p. law. the court has now taken up an identical t.r.a.p. law to the texas one they threw out. the case is set to be decided by the supreme court in june. the expectation is that this newly constituted court will change course on that t.r.a.p. law. the expectation is they're going to say that t.r.a.p. law is okay now even if the result is the immediate wholesale shut down of clinics. so when julie burkhart says she feels like there's opposition coming at her all the time, this is what she means. first anti-abortion threats and terrorism and violence have made