We are back. Welcome to the gaithersburg book festival. My name is syl sobel, im a reporter for gaithersburg. Proudly supports we are pleased to bring you this fabulous event. When you see them please say thanks. Please silence all your devices. Hope youre following gbs on facebook and instagram. If you post about the festival use the dbf hashtag. Your feedback is really valuable to us. Surveys are available on our website. By committing a survey you will be entered into a drawing for a 100 visa if card. Etan thomas will be signing in the siding areas, copies of the book are on sale in the politics and prose tend. A quick word about buying books. This is a free event but it helps the book festival if you buy a lot of books. The more books we sell at the event the more publishers send their authors here to speak with us. Purchasing books for politics and prose help support one of the greatest independent bookstores, benefiting the local economy and local jobs. And at first glance. It ma
In case you missed anything from Glenn Clark Radio this week, here are a few highlights to check out, including interviews with Ryan McKenna, Dan Duquette, Walt Williams and more.