In Azamgarh, where a triangular fight was witnessed between the BJP, the SP and the BSP, the saffron party s Dinesh Lal Yadav Nirahua won by a margin of 8,679 votes. While Nirahua got 3,12,768 votes (34.39 per cent), SP s Yadav secured 3,04,089 (33.44 per cent) votes. BSP candidate Shah Alaim alia
Addressing a press conference at the state party headquarters here, Adityanath announced that BJP candidate Ghanshyam Lodhi won from Rampur and Dinesh Lal Yadav Nirhau from Azamgarh.
Nellore: Around 61.70 per cent voter turnout was recorded till 5 pm in the by-election to the Atmakuru Assembly constituency in Andhra Pradesh on Thursday. No untoward incidents have been reported so far during the bypoll. The by-election was held to fill the vacancy caused due to sudden demise of then Information Technology and Industries Minister Mekapati Goutham Reddy of