Patricia Wallin, an abortion rights activist from El Salvador, has seen the film Fly So Far at least five times. When she first watched the movie, Wallin said she was shocked to see how criminalizing abortion disproportionately hurts impoverished women due to a lack of access to legal representation. “It wasn’t until I watched the.
As if mourning that abortion is no longer the law of the land wasn’t grisly enough, many in the media have spread outlandish and false claims that women will now be jailed for suffering miscarriages and stillbirths. MSNBC’s Joy Reid proudly took up the standard on Wednesday night’s episode of The ReidOut, where she used a trio of exceptional cases to fearmonger about the Handmaid’s Tale-esque rule under which American women are supposedly about to live.
28 May 2021, 01:01 UTC
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