Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Amid the excitement over the arrival of Cheetahs in the Kuno National Park, villagers in surrounding areas of Madhya Pradesh s Sheopur district have a variety of concerns including the fear of land acquisition and the fear of the big cat itself. India News | Cheetahs at KNP: Villagers Fear Land Acquisition, Human-animal Conflict.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Municipal Corporation here is mulling over a proposal to allow a household to keep only two dogs at a time, a move aimed at regulating the population of the animal in the city. India News | Lucknow MC Mulls over Plan to Keep Dog Population in Check.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Kishan Lal, who lived in Tughlaqabad area of Delhi, was stabbed to death on a cold February night in 1997 and the killer was untraceable. India News | Delhi Police Crack 25-year-old Murder Case, Cops Went Undercover for Months to Trace Suspect.