Two Leander City Council races will be determined in a June 5 runoff election. Mike Sanders and Esmeralda Traube will be on the ballot for Place 2. Nacole Thompson and Donnie Mahan will compete for the Place 4 seat.
Early voting will run May 24-29 and June 1 at the Leander Public Library annex at 1011 S. Bagdad Road, according to the city. The library will also be the sole election day voting location.
For Places 2 and 4, no candidate reached a majority of votes May 1, which calls for a runoff election between the two candidates who received the most votes, according to city ordinances.
Sanders and Traube received the most votes in the Place 2 race, beating incumbent Annette Sponseller. Sanders received 36.6% of votes May 1, and Traube received 33.94% of votes. Sponseller got 29.46% of votes.