Tamil Nadu Rains: As per IMD reports, Thiruchendur in the Tuticorin District witnessed 60 cm of rain in just 15 hours till 1:30 AM and Palayamkottai in Tirunelveli District recorded 26 AM rainfall. Similarly, Kanyakumari also witnessed 17.3 cm of rainfall.
According to the India Meteorological Department, exceptionally heavy rainfall was recorded in up to 39 locations in southern Tamil Nadu on Monday. The IMD said in a bulletin that light to moderate rainfall was recorded in most areas of southern Tamil Nadu.
Delhi Air Pollution: Delhi Minister for Environment Gopal Rai on Thursday said the restrictions under the Graded Response Action Plan-3 will continue till air quality improves in the city.
Heavy to very heavy rainfall likely in THIS state for next 2 days - Read full IMD forecast - Light to moderate rainfall, thundershower at most places with heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places is very likely over Tamil Nadu.