Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu, who is currently gearing up for the release of her upcoming film Dobaaraa, helmed by Anurag Kashyap, is on a promotional spree. During a recent promotional event for her film, when Taapsee was apprised that she's often called Lady Akshay Kumar or Lady Akki by some, as her career graph nearly matchs that of the superstar, the Pink actress responded by saying that she's glad with the comparisons, Taapssee did not fail to bring to everyone's attention that her paycheck certainly did not match that of Akshay Kumar.
Taapsee Pannu reacts to Ayushmann Khurrana starrer Anek trailer gripped by Hindi language row - Amid Hindi language row, Taapsee Pannu strongly reacts to Ayushmann Khurrana starrer Anek trailer that was released on May 5.
Several well-wishers and fans dropped their comments on his timeline as well.
Initial reports suggested Anurag Kashyap and Taapsee Pannu, who are currently in Pune for film shooting were quizzed by the officials separately for about 6 hours at a hotel.
Income Tax Department in its official statement earlier had said: Evidence of cash receipts by the leading actress amounting to Rs 5 crore has been recovered. Further investigation is going on. Apart from this, non-genuine/bogus expenditure to related concerns by the leading producers/director having tax implication of about Rs. 20 crore has been detected. Similar findings have been made in the case of the leading actress also.