Early signs of pregnancy can vary from person to person, and some individuals may experience them more distinctly than others. Recognizing these signs is important for women who are trying to conceive or suspect they might be pregnant. While the most definitive confirmation of pregnancy comes from a pregnancy test and a medical evaluation, these early signs can provide valuable clues. Here are some common early signs of pregnancy that everyone should be aware of:
The mum-to-be had not heard of such symptoms and was initially only prepared to see hormonal and weight changes. She gained 100 pounds and her skin, too, became darker. She shared her ordeal on TikTok with an array of before and after pictures from her pregnancy. However, one month after her son’s birth, her nose changed to its original size.
The most reliable way to confirm a pregnancy is a blood test at the doctor’s clinic, but since the wait is too vexing for most women, they resort to noticing the symptoms their body may project. Since 5 DPO is too early for a reliable pregnancy test result, below are the earliest symptoms that may i