Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya, on Sunday, instructed the officials of Rural Development department to train MGNREGA workers as per the target set under Project Unnati.
Negligence in this work will not be tolerated at any level, he warned.
Instructions have been given
Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Oct 27: District Industries Centre, Jammu today organised a four days “SWAYAM ROZGAR MELA” at ‘Jammu Haat’, Exhibition Ground, Jammu to facilitate the unemployed youths to avail loans under “Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme [PMEGP]” to start their ventures under the Manufacturing and Service Sectors. While inaugurating the Mela, Director, Industries & Commerce, Jammu, Anoo Malhotra appreciated the initiatives taken by the District Industries Centre, Jammu to facilitate the youths to start their ventures by getting the […]