A Dhaka court today sentenced former managing director of NRB Global Bank Proshanta Kumar Halder, known as PK Halder, to 22 years of imprisonment in a case filed over laundering Tk 80 crore to Canada and amassing about Tk 426 crore illegally
Lawyers for four associates of former managing director of NRB Global Bank Proshanta Kumar Halder, known as PK Halder, today completed their arguments in a case filed over laundering Tk 80 crore to Canada and amassing about Tk 426 crore illegally
The amount of money embezzled by Prashanta Kumar Halder alias PK Halder and his associates from four non-banking financial institutions (NBFIs) might leave you baffled. It's neither Tk 2,500 crore nor Tk 3,500 crore - figures which have been reported by the media lately. Investigators now say they have so far learnt that the amount is at least Tk 10,200 crore or $120.36
A Dhaka court today accepted the charges brought against former managing director of NRB Global Bank Proshanta Kumar Halder, known as PK Halder, and 13 others in a case filed over laundering Tk 80 crore to Canada and amassing about Tk 426 crore illegally.