A Dhaka court today sentenced former managing director of NRB Global Bank Proshanta Kumar Halder, known as PK Halder, to 22 years of imprisonment in a case filed over laundering Tk 80 crore to Canada and amassing about Tk 426 crore illegally
Lawyers for four associates of former managing director of NRB Global Bank Proshanta Kumar Halder, known as PK Halder, today completed their arguments in a case filed over laundering Tk 80 crore to Canada and amassing about Tk 426 crore illegally
A Dhaka court direct the authorities concerned to publish a gazette asking former managing director of NRB Global Bank Prashanta Kumar Halder, better known as PK Halder, and seven others to appear it in a case filed over amassing about Tk 426 crore illegally.