But how hard has the journey been, and has amerIca really left the Race Issue behInd . James earljones, welcome to hardtalk. Welcome to our theatre. Well, thank you very much. The wyndhams. The wyndhams theatre, where you, for weeks, have been treadIng the boards In a pretty exactIng role In the Play DrIvIng mIss daIsy. A lovely role and a great pleasure to be In hIm. Well, Ijust Wonder whether It Is any harder these days to get up for all of the rehearsIng, all of the preparatIon, all of the gruellIng physIcal endurance you have to have for a daIly play . Everybody works, you know. Even the PrIme MInIster works, the presIdent works. Everybody works or plays eIther one and then sleeps. So thats all, thats all we do. And Its not hard to go to work wIth thIs play. Its really such a pleasure doIng It, and wIth Vanessa Redgrave and Boyd GaInes especIally. I just wonder If thIs play partIcularly resonates wIth you, because Its set In atlanta, In the south, durIng the era of segregatIon. And
Whether it is any harder these days to get up for all of the rehearsing, all of the preparation, all of the gruelling physical endurance you have to have for a daily play? everybody works, you know. Even the prime minister works, the president works. Everybody works, or plays either one and then sleeps. So that s all, that s all we do. And it s not hard to go to work with this play. It s really such a pleasure doing it, and with vanessa redgrave and boyd gaines especially. I just wonder if this play particularly resonates with you, because it s set in atlanta, in the south, during the era of segregation. And, of course, you were born and raised in your very earliest years in mississippi during the era of segregation. Does this particularly have meaning for you? mm hm. Yeah, i. . . I can say, honestly, i know a lot about it, and i wish others knew about it and that s partly why it s important to do plays like this. And, luckily, we have a play here. . . . . Which is not about polemi
To not promiser give out free playstations, computers and gift cards. Video from the scene shows crowds setting out Fire Extinguishers in anticipation of his arrival and police dragging away members of the crowd. And when carr got on the scene, the anarchy intensified. Ers an fans surrounded his car, blocking him from leaving. Plea forced to speed away with people clinging onto his roof and chasing him down the street, seemingly without having given anything away. There are no known injuries orhi arrests and policeng are urging people to avoid the area. Okaor y, tyrus, when you saw this happen, did you have any idea was a youtube giveaway . No. And it just looked like a riot. And this and every time i the word the cringe word, influencer. What did influence the influence of riot . Like the giveaway stuff. This was all for media, what d attention to get a bunch of likes or followers on a youtubf. Li and this is what happens when you give away free things. The worskes t show up. And we s
we are live in new hampshire. also tonight, a trump court victory keeping him on michigan s primary ballot. but will the same be true in november? and we have breaking news on a similar case, a trump defeat in colorado. later, the remarkable story of how two men s fishing day ended with them saving another man s life. a man trapped and lost to the world for near i will a week inside a wrecked truck, with deadly weather closing in. john berman in for anderson. what christmas break? that s what the republican presidential candidates must be asking tonight. there was virtually no time left before the first contest. and happening now, live pictures of former south carolina governor nikki haley. she is in the middle of an event in new hampshire. she s armed with the governor s endorsement there, a fresh infusion of cash, and possibly, she hopes at least, one of the most precious commodities in politics, momentum. it is a relative term, with donald trump looming over everyt
cash just months after joe left the obama white house firm saying that has a breakdown of what we expect to learn today. good morning, brooke. good morning. to have, ashleigh, lawmakers on the house oversight committee will reveal their findings about the biden family s overseas business dealings later this morning. chairman james comey joined us yesterday to preview today s press conference. we re going to present bank records tomorrow. we re going to also talk about known i mean, this is not completely new. when we were in i was in congress. i mean, when the last election was going on, you were hearing these conversations. you saw the ukraine connections. you saw the china connections. these were all being late, but the mainstream media never picked it up. in fact, it was just pushed to the side. so today is putting it front and center for the american people to say, okay, make your own judgments here, and the white house statement about the committee s not investigat