Name: Emily Swanson
School: Kiel High School
GPA: 4.0
What extracurricular activities have you been involved with during high school? National Honor Society (chapter president), varsity tennis (four years), varsity softball (four years), Art Club, pep band (flute), jazz band (piano), Book Club, Forensics (group interpretation), Business & Finance Youth Apprenticeship
What is one academic accomplishment about which you feel particularly good? My greatest academic accomplishment has been being able to grow not only intellectually but emotionally in high school. Through my exploration in a variety of extracurriculars, groups and courses, I have been able to learn more about myself. I have learned what I value, what I appreciate, what I aspire for. For me, it hasn t been my grades that make me the most proud, but the person I have grown to be and will continue to become.