about you so much? do you think you long for your approval? no. i cannot get into his head. i just think he is immediate creature. he doesn t read. he only looks at television. every time he quotes me, he always says i was watching the show accidentally. right. i mean. but he just stumbled on hbo. i don t know how that happened. he is not aware of what a preposterous figure he is. ahead on this cnn primetime special. you can believe in the spaghetti monster, whatever god you want, whatever myth you want. we don t care. we just want to be left alone. and not castigated. bill maher s take on religion and whether or not he considers himself an aggressive atheist. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin.
how do you define wokeness? i hear people use the term all the time. it mean something different to everybody. again. i think it is this collection of ideas that are not building on liberalism. they re very often on doing it. i mean, five years ago, abraham lincoln was not a controversial figure on liberals. we liked him. [laughter] now they take his name off schools. and they tear down statues. really, lincoln isn t good enough for you? five or ten years ago, bedrock liberalism was; we are striving to be a color blind society where we don t see race of course we see it but it doesn t matter. that is not what woke is. woke a something very different and it is identity politics and we see it all the time. it is always the most important thing. i don t think that is liberalism. i can mention so many issues like that. i remember doing that show on
who is on tv who they don t always agree with him, but they still like him, you don t always agree with people in your life on things. so did turn out that it was okay and here i am 30 years later. still on. but, i get every year, when we are looking for, maybe we want new writters on our show, we love the rioters i have but you know what, i m running a business here. i am sorry. it is brutal but if i can find somebody better, that is what i am doing. i always serve the show first. so every year i ve read these packets of proposed writers and i read them this year, as i do every year. it is just stunning! how uniform their points of view are. they hasn t always been that way? exactly. i don t remember, but i don t think was ever quite this bad. it is the exact same point of view on every single issue. and it is very predictable. i have a relationship with people who want to hear what i think is the truth. and i m going to present both sides. and then they may not be fair and balanc
first as we head here into the labor day weekend with a brutal report on the job market. basically, it has come to a grinding halt. the unemployment rate for august didn t budge an inch. here you have the number. it is still sitting at 9.1%. the net number here, that s the important part. the net number of jobs created in august. zero, none, goose egg. private employers did add 17,000 jobs last month. but do the math. government eliminated 17,000. so the net change is zero. this really is a once in a blue moon event. if you think about it. the last time the bottom line on jobs was zero was all the way back in february of 1945. 45. that s before the baby boomers were even born. the weakest jobs report in almost a year comes amid consumers wavering confidence in the economy. we ll been following that jumpy volatile stock market. on the heels of the big debt ceiling fight and washington s credit downgrade. you throw all that together, then you look ahead here. we re less than