Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday expressed his condolences over the passing away of Group Captain Varun Singh, the lone survivor of the military helicopter crash in Tamil Nadu s Coonoor that claimed the lives of Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat, his wife and 11 other defence personnel on December 8.
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Positive identification of the mortal remains of the remaining four soldiers who lost their lives in a chopper crash in Tamil Nadu on Wednesday, has been done through DNA testing and will be released to the family members on Sunday morning, the Indian Army said.
The personnel, whose remains were positively identified include Gen Bipin Rawat s Staff Officer Lt Col Harjinder Singh, Hav Satpal Rai, Nk Gursewak Singh and Nk Jitendra Kumar.
The personnel, whose remains were positively identified include Gen Bipin Rawat`s Staff Officer Lt Col Harjinder Singh, Hav Satpal Rai, Nk Gursewak Singh and Nk Jitendra Kumar.