of fbi investigation. if judge kavanaugh is blameless in this entire scenario, he would have been much better served and the court much better serf se served by the fbi investigation. s the fbi would explore a background situation like this. what we now face is this ongoing sort of slowly unwhining series of stories. people coming forward to talk about what they would have said, had they been interviewed. it will certainly distract from the court this term. hopefully, they won t have the long lasting effect on the integrity of the court. this has been an unusual confirmation battle and it may linger. a lot of the people on the political left are agreed parties tonight. there are also these other people with special pleading between 28 and 41 people who said i wanted to talk about this with investigators.
served by an fbi investigation that was permitted to look into all of the nooks and crannies the fbi would have normally explored in a background situation like this. unfortunately, what we now face is this ongoing, sort of slowly unwinding series of stories, people coming forward to talk about what they would have said had they been interviewed. it will certainly distract from the court this term. hopefully, they won t have the long lasting effect on the integrity of the court. this has been an unusual confirmation battle and it may linger. mika, what do we do about that? a lot of people on the political left are aggrieved parties tonight. there are also these other people with special pleading between 28 and 41 people who said i wanted to talk about this with investigators. yeah. i think joyce is right that the perception that this is a very rushed investigation, that the fbi was not allowed to go
partisan, at best it s actually quite principled. then the idea that you must to support women s empowerment, you have to support every woman and every policy position she has is just absurd. i agree that gina haspel is the most qualified person for this position. i wish sara sanders hadn t brought up the fact that she s a woman to prove it. yeah, i think it s incredibly condescending, wolf. she stands or falls on her merits. she s very, very qualified but some democrats and republicans, notably john mccain, are worried she wouldn t say torture is immoral. i think the notion that feminism requires some kind of special pleading or get over your reservations, surrender your own moral judgment because someone is a woman, that s never conservative, liberal, feminist, that s never what women have been asking for.
instead there s talk of carve-outs for countries like canada and mexico. and that s fraught to open that door, as you know, because then the conga line begins of all the countries who feel they have a special pleading to make. yeah, that s right. that sort of takes us back towards the very early days of this presidency where there was so much chaos, they were rolling out various executive orders that had not been vetted. this is a similar process where the president is sort of vacillating from one position to the next. a week ago when he announced these tariffs for the first time, a lot of the people within the west wing were surprised to hear that the president was going to go ahead with this. many people thought that this decision was not going to be made for several weeks and maybe even months. now when the president rolled it out, it appeared he did not really have the specifics lined up, and now they re sort of rushing to try to get the papers together, make sure everything s ab
said, i can be presidential if i want to be. and that sums up everything that the party s had to deal with over the past year. talil, we were led to believe the president may sign this thing as early as an event tomorrow, but there is no event scheduled on this for tomorrow. instead there s talk of carve-outs for countries like canada and mexico. and that s fraught to open that door, as you know, because then the conga line begins of all the countries who feel they have a special pleading to make. yeah, that s right. that sort of takes us back towards the very early days of this presidency where there was so much chaos, they were rolling out various executive orders that had not been vetted. this is a similar process where the president is sort of vacillating from one position to the next. a week ago when he announced these tariffs for the first time, a lot of the people within the west wing were surprised to hear that the president was going to go ahead with this. many people thou