classes resume at a virginia elementary school for the first time since a first grader shot his teacher. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world, i m christine romans this monday morning, secretary of state antony blinken in egypt this morning, the first leg of his three-day tour of the middle east. his visit coming at a time when violence is flaring between israelis and palestinians. iran and ukraine also high on the agenda as blinken prepares to leave cairo for israel where prime minister benjamin netanyahu new right wing government is causing turbulence at home and abroad. nic robertson has the latest from jerusalem. what is blinken hoping to accomplish on this visit? reporter: i think the best hope here of people on both sides, palestinians and israelis is that he can lower the tensions at the moment. how does he do that? well, he s very likely to appeal to prime minister netanyahu to reconsider some of his cabinet s decisions over the weekend o
the palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas he s likely to have a similar message of improve the background situation by re-establishing security coordination with israel. this affects both palestinians and israelis, but the reality is the palestinian authority doesn t have the control of the streets at the moment, so expectations are low, partly because of the pressure within the governing coalition of israel on the prime minister to keep good on his commitments to his right wing partners and partly because the situation in the west bank is incredibly tense, so the dialing back at the moment of tensions and a de-escalation and pause for breath perhaps the best he could hope for but not forgetting this has been a very deadly month for palestinians and israelis, indeed, the past year one of the deadliest for both going back a decade or know. nic robertson following all of it, thanks, nic. to memphis the police unit
they need to look at this in a balanced way. the situation, it is important to put the background situation, to say how unfair this is. just 0.8% of all deaths are now due to covid. the death rate from pneumonia is ten times higher. we have a situation now where in the over six teams, 80% have antibodies. in that really vulnerable group, the over 65s, the latest statistics out today from the ons, 99% of that vulnerable people over 65 have got antibodies soak to be sending all these children home isjust ridiculous and it is so unfair on them, it is not prioritising them by their education. somebody needs to speak up for them and say let s stop this now. we speak up for them and say let s stop this now. ~ . , speak up for them and say let s stop this now. ~ ., , , ., this now. we are very interested to talk about this
of fbi investigation. if judge kavanaugh is blameless in this entire scenario, he would have been much better served and the court much better serf se served by the fbi investigation. s the fbi would explore a background situation like this. what we now face is this ongoing sort of slowly unwhining series of stories. people coming forward to talk about what they would have said, had they been interviewed. it will certainly distract from the court this term. hopefully, they won t have the long lasting effect on the integrity of the court. this has been an unusual confirmation battle and it may linger. a lot of the people on the political left are agreed parties tonight. there are also these other people with special pleading between 28 and 41 people who said i wanted to talk about this with investigators.
served by an fbi investigation that was permitted to look into all of the nooks and crannies the fbi would have normally explored in a background situation like this. unfortunately, what we now face is this ongoing, sort of slowly unwinding series of stories, people coming forward to talk about what they would have said had they been interviewed. it will certainly distract from the court this term. hopefully, they won t have the long lasting effect on the integrity of the court. this has been an unusual confirmation battle and it may linger. mika, what do we do about that? a lot of people on the political left are aggrieved parties tonight. there are also these other people with special pleading between 28 and 41 people who said i wanted to talk about this with investigators. yeah. i think joyce is right that the perception that this is a very rushed investigation, that the fbi was not allowed to go