The Reality Bytes film festival came to a formidable end Wednesday. The annual independent student festival, directed by Dr. Laura Vazquez, showcased 20 short films from all over the globe. The 20 short films, chosen from 100 submissions, were shown free to the public over a two day period. “The Reality Bytes film festival began.
15 Films You Need to Watch, Directed by Women of Color
Photo: Kevork Djansezian / Stringer (Getty Images)
When it comes to leading positions in the world of film and television, women have been overlooked. In 2019, women accounted for only 15.1% of directors in mainstream film and television just over 1% higher than in 2018. Since the Time’s Up movement brought issues of sexual harassment and mistreatment of women in the workplace to light, new initiatives have emerged in the film industry, such as Made in NY’s NYC Women’s Fund, which supports arts and entertainment projects created by women.
While we still have a long way to go, directors like Nia DaCosta (