what is your take, andrea. andrea: everything that progressives push for sounds great in theory but there is always the question of who is going to pay for it. i do think it is important families are together. i think a lot of cultural reocean comes from breakdown of the family. i have friends with small business owners. it is tough to put down mandates when they us face regulations from government. the road to hell is always paved with good intentions. we re bankrupt as nation. maybe take shrimp off treadmill. stop funding stupid studies and other programs and prioritize this is important. debate will continue. ever heard of silver or gray divorce. couples splitting up after 50 reason more are common. reason of growing late life divorce and why women may be driving this. did you know that good nutrition
good evening. we ll get to my interview with the cast of dallas in a few moments. but first, a big man with big ideas about politics, government and everything else. jesse ventura, a superstar of professional wrestling known as the body and a man who never holds back. every time he s been on my show, he says something outrageous, unexpected and thought provoking. now he s back for more. his book, jesse, how are you? i m doing well, piers, how are you? you are looking very well. two things i want to clarify with you. one is why you re not here with me in the studio. and secondly, where have you been because you ve disappeared? well, first reason, why i m not with you in the studio is i have i ve quit flying because i have metal in my body. so every time i go to an airport, the metal detector goes off. and they treat former governors like criminals out there, you know. i get treated like a criminal and i ve had enough. i won t be treated like a criminal anymore. so th
stunning revelation ever about the cast of dallas. and the moment you thought you d never see. i m going to do this. good evening. we ll get to my interview with the cast of dallas in a few moments. but first, a big man with big ideas about politics, government and everything else. jesse ventura, a superstar of professional wrestling known as the body and a man who never holds back. every time he s been on my show, he says something outrageous, unexpected and thought provoking. now he s back for more. his book, jesse, how are you? i m doing well, piers, how are you? you are looking very well. two things i want to clarify with you. one is why you re not here with me in the studio. and secondly, where have you been because you ve disappeared? well, first reason, why i m not with you in the studio is i have i ve quit flying because i have metal in my body. so every time i go to an airport, the metal detector goes off. and they treat former governors like criminals ou
for these two political parties. plus, scandal, back stabbing and what may be the most stunning revelation ever about the cast of dallas. and the moment you thought you d never see. i m going to do this. good evening. we ll get to my interview with the cast of dallas in a few moments. but first, a big man with big ideas about politics, government and everything else. jesse ventura, a superstar of professional wrestling known as the body and a man who never holds back. every time he s been on my show, he says something out ray jous, unexpected and thought provo provoking. now he s back for more. his book, kwtjesse, how are you? i m doing well, piers, how are you? you are looking very well. two things i want to clarify with you. one is why you re not here with me in the studio. and rksz secondly, where have you been because you ve disappeared? well, first reason, why i m not with you in the studio is i have i ve quit flying because i have metal in my body. so ever
that all sounds great in theory. in 2012, the day after barack obama won the election, donald trump said, we can t let this happen, we should march on washington and stop this travesty, our anything is totally divided. doing that in the midst of calling the president ilt legitimate, not being born in this country, what is different now, why should everybody come together now and he didn t want people to come together in 2012? first of all, we should i m going to stop right there. can i no, no no. charles, i ll give you the last word. donald trump is a bad person, he should not have done that. but do two wrongs make a right? if we care about this country? do we want to replicate the bad thing donald trump did? and concede said, well, if they did that, we re going to do it too? i was against donald trump when he was a birther, when he said that the election was being