Darian Sanders who stars as "Simba" in "The Lion King," is living a dream, a dream he never anticipated. Sixteen years as a pastor and praise worshiper, Sanders says he was approached by a talent scout. "I wasn't an actor or dancer, but my now manager, noticed me, coached me, and today I'm living a dream," said Sanders. | By Carla Thomas Darian Sanders who stars as "Simba" in "The Lion King," is living a dream, a dream he never anticipated. Sixteen years as a pastor and praise worshiper, Sanders says he was approached by a talent scout. "I wasn't an actor or dancer, but my now manager, noticed me, coached me, and today
After two summers of outdoor theatre productions Berkshire Theatre Group is bringing all of its programming indoors this summer. The theatre company will hold two major productions, "Once" and "Dracula,"