Darian Sanders who stars as "Simba" in "The Lion King," is living a dream, a dream he never anticipated. Sixteen years as a pastor and praise worshiper, Sanders says he was approached by a talent scout. "I wasn't an actor or dancer, but my now manager, noticed me, coached me, and today I'm living a dream," said Sanders. | By Carla Thomas Darian Sanders who stars as "Simba" in "The Lion King," is living a dream, a dream he never anticipated. Sixteen years as a pastor and praise worshiper, Sanders says he was approached by a talent scout. "I wasn't an actor or dancer, but my now manager, noticed me, coached me, and today
DUI checkpoint locations are determined based on data showing incidents of impaired driving-related crashes. The primary purpose of DUI checkpoints is to promote public safety by taking suspected impaired drivers off the road. | On December 31st, the Oakland Police Department will conduct a driving under the influence (DUI) Checkpoint from 6:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. at an undisclosed location. DUI checkpoint locations are determined based on data showing incidents of impaired driving-related crashes. The primary purpose of DUI checkpoints is to promote public safety by taking suspected impaired