In a world characterized by short attention spans and fast-paced lifestyles, ‘miniseries’ or ‘limited series’ come to appeal to viewers who prefer shorter shows. Typically, miniseries range from six to 15 episode shows, with each episode sitting around the 45-minute-to-an-hour mark. Besides allowing room for more diversity and options in shows, miniseries tend to avoid
Television series that address family matters and bring back the ambiance of a traditional Egyptian household are always a favorite for many viewers. For young and old, these shows are often enjoyed by the whole family alike. It is a rare activity that brings them together. The first and second seasons of Mawdoo’ ‘Aely (Family
As the month of September comes to a close, October comes to start the spooky season where Halloween candy and eerie flicks are promised. In 2018, a study by the American Psychological Association found that some people enjoy horror movies because they help them gain a sense of control. Some studies have even found
In the ever-expanding universe of binge-worthy content, Turkish dramas have carved out a celestial reputation in the Arab world. Now, Sling Arabic TV – the streaming platform that knows what makes Arab audiences in the United States tick – is taking the experience up a notch by offering a curated selection of Turkish dramas. Meet
Being an Arab overseas comes with many perks, but also some unexpected challenges not least of which is the feeling of missing out on what is happening back home. Many are only too familiar with the feeling of being the only who doesn’t get a joke or a pop culture reference made in a