The founder-chairman of the Vedanta Group, Anil Agarwal, has praised Tamil Nadu for the success of its people across a variety of global sectors. While inaugurating the Surana High Tech International School in Chennai, Agarwal stated that major automobile manufacturing, textiles and key human resources come from the state. He added that even in entertainment, Tamil Nadu was flourishing. The billionaire entrepreneur urged students to focus on their careers to ensure they could achieve their goals. He also called for vegetarianism, noting that in the present climate the diet was seen with respect.
to a musician, listening to a band or or kes stra, you could get a recording of the muse you can amusic and play it in your own home. so suddenly you don t want to listen to the 12th best opera singer in the world. you could buy a gramophone with the recording of the very best. suddenly all rewards flow to them and people at the very top. despite the fact their skills hadn t changed and moral worth hadn t changed but their economic gains had changed and of course you can see obviously why that holds out lessons for us today, because silicon valley, for example, many silicon valley firms and uber and google, so many have managed to scoop up what was localized value and concentrate it in the hands of a few people. you also talk about the incredible importance of something people may not recognize which this one really strikes me crucial. the elevator. we take it for granted. we have absolutely take it for
facebook billionaire. let s go to fox business networks s charlie gasparino. what do you think? what is interesting about this, a lot of the pressure is coming from the democratic party. i made this point to you before. facebook and the silicon valley firms and this is over the misuse of the data which they collect from everybody, a treasure trove of marketing information. apparently some of that data was private, got in the hands of a private company called cambridge analytica and here we are with this debate. the question is why did it take this long for these hearings to go on or talk about hearings? what is interesting, neil, for me, this is being led by the democratic party, which silicon valley is generally in bed with. it s not the gop. so if you see what republicans joined this, said this is private industry, we don t want to get the government involved, this could be a real problem for facebook, google.
in trying to not be entirely dependent on the silicon valley firms to stand the work business school thank you very much for this analysis and better smarter faster no we re not talking about cars anymore we re talking about the phones at this year s mobile world congress in barcelona that are battling to kick leaders like apple and samsung out of the top spots it s not just the devices themselves which are taking the spotlight but also the network tech that keeps us connected to the rest of the worlds. rather than just seeing what it s like to be spiderman how about feeling it sony s built a new dynamic vibration system into its top flight smartphone the japanese firm can also turn you into a three d. avatar something they hope will score points with customers the new display and camera technology can now record and show high resolution four k.
that s right. never think that you ve arrived. if at any point you think that you ve arrived, you re in trouble. then you will start slipping backwards. yes. i very much believe in that. steve, what about you? what i would like to say to my small business brothers and sisters is remember the words of bill murray which is lighten up, francis. people go into business for all sorts of reasons. maybe they get an idea that they can t let go of or won t let go of them. or they want to make more money or be more creative. or if you re like me and want to get out of the corporate grind and away from that crazy boss. whatever the case is, if you re going to start your own business and you re going to be the boss, then be not just a good business. be a great boss. i think that necessarily entails having fun in the office and creating a culture that incorporates fun in the office. if you ever see profile these high tech silicon valley firms, google or facebook, those kind