Telegram does not believe instant messaging apps are the target of China, but Apple is. Last week, a massive Chinese crackdown led to Telegram, Signal Messenger, Threads, and WhatsApp being removed from China's version of the Apple App Store, and Telegram's CEO believes it is not about them.
LAS VEGAS The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and a coalition of partners urged a court to protect default encrypted messaging and children’s privacy and security in a brief filed today. The brief by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the ACLU of Nevada, the EFF, Stanford Internet.
Polish Colonel Jacek Goryszewski said the incident occurred near the border city of Zamosc and the unidentified object had been tracked on radar “until its signal disappeared.”
In 2000, Ukraine transferred 386 X-22 missiles to Russia as an instalment against the gas debt. These have since be used to target Ukrainian cities in attacks like the one this morning.