competitively that republicans flipped four seats, ultimately handing the republican party the majority in the house, and kevin mccarthy, the gavel, we re going to work on the lights. now, democrats have a chance to try once more. a state appellate court threw out the maps again. a major win for the party. we re going to explain what happened because if that ruling stands, the democratic party has a serious shot at retaking the house next year. especially since the needs of front line republicans, the moderate ones who won, like toes here in new york are being sacrificed by kevin mccarthy to appease the conservative wing of the party. the amendments added to the defense version of the budget focusing on culture war issues like abortion, diversity, critical race theory, transgender medicine and covid vaccines. what does the democratic party do now, and what does kevin mccarthy do now? let s bring in nbc news senior capitol hill correspondent garrett haake and msnbc legal analy