The much awaited "One Ordinary Day" Episode 3, starring Kim Soo Hyun and Cha Seung Won finally aired on the first Saturday of December. Kim Soo Hyun gets detained for murder and Cha Seung Won tries so hard to clear up his name.
#KimSooHyun #ChaSeungWon #KimSungKyu #YangKyungWon #OneOrdinaryDay #OneOrdinaryDayEp3
What better way to start the glorious month of December than by watching amazing K-Dramas with unconventional plot lines? Don’t miss these new episodes from the hottest K-Dramas "Happiness," "One Ordinary Day," "Now, We Are Breaking Up," and "School 2021"!
#School2021 #NowWeAreBreakingUp #Happiness #OneOrdinaryDay
Coupang Play’s most awaited crime and suspense drama "One Ordinary Day," starring Cha Seung Won and Kim Soo Hyun finally premiered, exceeding fans and viewers’ expectations. In the episodes 1 and 2, Cha Seung Won eagerly tried to clear up Kim Soo Hyun’s name, who has been wrongly accused of murder.
#KimSooHyun #ChaSeungWon #OneOrdinaryDay #OneOrdinaryDayEp1 #OneOrdinaryDayEp2
Coupang Play’s forthcoming mystery thriller series "One Ordinary Day," starring Kim Soo Hyun and Cha Seung Won dished out three observation points to anticipate in the drama.
#OneOrdinaryDay #KimSooHyun #ChaSeungWon