The teen drama “Spirit Fingers” starring Park Ji Hu, Choi Bomin and more releases new updates about its production. Here’s what we know.
#SpiritFingers #ParkJiHu #ChoiBomin #ParkYooNa #JoJoonYoung
Golden Child member and actor Bomin is currently generating a lot of buzz for his impressive acting performance in the new Kakao TV thriller drama "Shadow Beauty." Keep on reading to know more!
#GoldenChildBomin #GoldenChild #Bomin #ChoiBoMin #ShadowBeauty
What better way to start the glorious month of December than by watching amazing K-Dramas with unconventional plot lines? Don’t miss these new episodes from the hottest K-Dramas "Happiness," "One Ordinary Day," "Now, We Are Breaking Up," and "School 2021"!
#School2021 #NowWeAreBreakingUp #Happiness #OneOrdinaryDay